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P&g Marketing

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Essay title: P&g Marketing

P & G


In today’s market, there will always be a new company challenging your products and company but it take years and years of practice to learn how the global market works. That is why this company is the world's #1 maker of household products. The company was formed in 1837 known as Procter & Gamble (P&G). The Procter & Gamble Company (P&G) is a brand behemoth.. P & G manufactures and markets a broad range of consumer products in many countries throughout the world. Products fall into five business segments: fabric and home care, paper, beauty care, health care, and food and beverage. Being in the marketing industry companies most have a good strategy plan to last this long. In this paper, we look at how the company has become a domestic & global market corporation. How they deal with technology impact, social responsibilities, and ethics.

Domestic & Global Market

P&G did not pursue overseas markets vigorously until after World War II. Today P&G sells its product in over 140 countries, and has actual on the ground operations in 70 countries and half of their sales came from outside the U.S. P&G has made a commitment both in dollars and manpower to further expand international operations. The company marketed more than 300 brands to nearly five billion consumers worldwide. P&G had a significant market share in several product categories: laundry and cleaning (Tide, Cascade, Dawn), paper goods (Bounty, Charmin, Pampers), beauty care (Pantene, Olay, Cover Girl), food and beverages (Folgers, Pringles, Duncan Hines), and health care (Crest, Scope, Metamucil).( By this small brief summary you can see why Proctor & Gamble are a domestic and globalize company. The Company has registered trademarks and owns or has licenses under patents which are used in connection with its business in all segments. Part of the company's success can be attributed to the existence of these trademarks, patents and licenses. P&G is a strong promoter of free trade. However, international forces impact all companies and individuals making marketing decisions. Even firms not engaged in marketing goods and services abroad are affected by the marketing activities of multinational companies. That is why all companies must have a good strategy plan and intelligent managers to help run them operation in the United States and in other countries. But be mindful that marketing and technology is change the way business operate everyday and it could impact the company in the future.

Technology Impact

Through globalization and increased technology and transportation infrastructure, we have access to a wide array of products. P&G started expanding internationally, it built its overseas organization around geographic markets. P&G took full advantage of its superior technologies, product development capabilities and accumulated marketing expertise while expanding overseas. The management however quickly realized that consumer tastes and habits varied widely from one country to another and replication of products or strategies, which had been successful in the US, in overseas markets, would be a mistake. Each year, a substantial amount of energy is consumed in the production of more than 100 million tons of paper and paperboard in the United States. Every day, billions of consumers use paper products - from toilet paper and paper towels to packaging and shipping boxes. Energy is a significant cost in papermaking for P & G. The Procter & Gamble Company (NYSE: PG) and Atlanta's Institute for Paper Science and Technology (IPST) hope to improve the efficiency of papermaking to save energy and money. ( The company must face this one situation in the marketing. "Our mission is to support the paper industry by educating future technical leaders, conducting innovative research, and transferring valuable technology into commercial operations," said IPST President James Ferris. (( Since Proctor and Gamble have address the technology impact on the company now we will address the social responsibility & ethics.

Social Responsibility & Ethics

Every business operates within a society and ethics environment. Managers make decisions related to social responsibility every day. Social responsibility of business could have several duties and obligations towards the welfare of society. These duties can be a part of the routine functions of carrying on business activity or they may be an additional function of carrying out welfare activity. Social responsibility can also be voluntary effort

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