By: Yan • Essay • 467 Words • November 21, 2009 • 889 Views
Essay title: Plagarism
Plagiarism; what is it, why do students inadvertently do it and most importantly what is all the fuss about? Webster defines plagiarism as "taking the ideas, writings, ect. of another and passing them off as your own" When analyzing this definition it is simply not enough to cover the topic of plagiarism to its fullest extent. Plagiarism is more than the mere copying of some words, it is morally wrong and a "clear violation of the code of ethics established by many universities"
Plagiarism has many definitions that most often coincide with one another. The best definition I have come across is that by Rampolla who states that plagiarism is "the act of taking ones words, ideas, or research of another person and putting them forward without citation as if they were your own" To put it simply, it is copying a phrase, sentence, paragraph or in some cases a whole paper and considering it your own work. This atrocity has become an all too familiar problem at many universities and schools across the nation and has been occurring for decades. Many attribute the increase of plagiarism rates to websites that offer free term papers and "assistance" to students. To many students who are in a hurry and who do not have the time to complete the research paper themselves, this is an easy alternative, consequently causing a rise in the cases of plagiarism across the nation.
Normally, students use the "I did not know that I was supposed to quote that" or "I did not know how too" excuses, yet unfortunately ignorance is inexcusable. According to ECU's Student Handbook, if the student is believed to have plagiarized they are required to