Propaganda in Our Society
By: Mike • Essay • 476 Words • November 22, 2009 • 1,226 Views
Essay title: Propaganda in Our Society
Propaganda in our Society
Propaganda is a type of message aimed at influencing the opinions or behavior of people. There are many different types of propaganda that are used in our society. The two that I am going to talk about are political propaganda and religious propaganda.
The first form of propaganda that I will talk about is religious propaganda. Religious propaganda is when people who believe in one religion describe how other religions are wrong and that the only right way is to believe in their own. A perfect example of this would be the Jehovah’s Witnesses. They are the religious group that goes door to door a lot trying to persuade you to believe that there religion is right and when you try to talk to them about another religion, they just try to explain more reasons why you should be “saved” and become a Jehovah’s Witness. Religious Propaganda goes all the way back to the religious missionary activity. A propagandist names St. Paul had a few evangelist to spread the early Christian beliefs. There names were St. Augustine and St. Boniface. Augustine persuaded the Britain’s, and Boniface persuaded Germanic Tribes. They were very good propagandists and know Christianity is now known all over the world and Christian churches outnumber any other religious building 200 to 1.
The second type of propaganda I am going to talk about is political propaganda. Political propaganda goes back as far as history. For example, Julius Caesar wrote a book called “On the Gallic War” or “De Bello Gallico” to build his status so that he could move up to his power. The reason that this book