Psychotheraphy & Microskills Workshop
By: Monika • Essay • 514 Words • November 24, 2009 • 835 Views
Essay title: Psychotheraphy & Microskills Workshop
Psychotheraphy & Microskills Workshop
• How to identify voice form noise
• Listening to the voice rather then the noise is essential in counseling
• Most of the time counselor would focus on the noise rather then the voice because counselees would only talk about their problems (noise) and unable to speak about their feelings (voice)
• Noise is what most counselees would talk about on their problems, eg.:
 My boss is too critical
 She made me angry
 Her comments on me were too hash, it had affected my sleep
• Voice is the message that counselor has to listen behind the noise, eg.:
 “My boss is too critical.” might suggest that he feels threatened by her because of his incompetence or low self-esteem. Counselor needs to ask counselee how come he feels that way and lead him to talk about his fears
 “She made me angry.” might suggest that something is causing this feeling. Counselors need to find out what caused his anger by asking what was his first thought that came into his mind when he was angry leading to be aware of his thought about the incident.
 “Her comments on me were too hash.” might suggest the he was hurt. Counselors can ask counselee that if his emotions are dependent on what others would comment on him and work on how he feels on those comments, and analyze why such comments would affect his feelings.
To question clients and lead them to explore the root of their problem which is usually their own fears as most of our motivations come from some kind of fear in our life.
• Ask question on their feelings about themselves rather then the perpetrator
o Thought - ask question to find out how come clients think that way
o Emotions - ask how they felt when they think of that incident
o Actions - ask what have the clients been doing to deal with it
• Deal with their fears rather then their motivations
o Ask question with the TRUTH Therapy
 T - trigger event : What/ who is that one person/ place/ situation that you fear most
 R - reckless thinking :