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Relationship Between Cognition,emotion and Behavior

By:   •  Research Paper  •  677 Words  •  November 20, 2009  •  1,920 Views

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Essay title: Relationship Between Cognition,emotion and Behavior

According to Merriam-webster's Collegiate dictionary 1995)'cognition involves the process

s of becoming aware. This process

s allows the occur in their

life. Piaget suggests (Prout and Brown, 1999), regarding children, that "the internal self-regulating system (i.e. maturation, physical experience, social interaction and equilibration)" (p.5) is responsible for the development of cognitive ablities. The way individuals process

s information varies with time.

According to Merriam-Webster (1995), emotion refer to the strong feelings an individual may experience as trong rections (fear or anger) to his environment.

Behavior (Merriam-Webster, 1995) is defined as the way an individual reacts to his environment and the past and present experiences that cause these reactions. I feel that an individual's response to a new experience is based on their history of experiences and if the individual experiences positive thoughts and beliefs the individual most probably

will respond positively to similar new events and if the individual is plagued by negative thoughts and beliefs the individual will probably respond negatively to similar new events.

The cognitive-behavior school (Clark and Fairburn, 1999) describe the relationship between cognition, emtion and behavior as a combination, which determines the way an individual will cope with events in their lives. What a person believes about what he thinks is very important. How an event is interpreted determines how an individual repond to it (Bergin and Garfield ed.,1994).

Cognitive intervention (Bergin and Garfield ed., 1994) is an attempt to produce change in an individual by influencing his thing, thereby changing his beliefs and his response to them.

According to Matthwes (Clark and Fairburn (Eds.),1999), we normally interpret situations automatically without much thought. However, an emotional disorder can occur when an individual experiences an increase in distressing thoughts and their inability to control them is proportionately reduced.

Bower's (Clark and Fairburn (Eds.), 1999) Associative Network Theory suggest that a depressed mood increases the accessibility of negative interpretations. These interpretations are more than likely used to interpret their experience, thereby increasing the number of negative interprepretations so characteristic of depression.

Robert Ornstein (Clark and Fairburn (Eds.),1999) reports that some individuals rmain in one mind and "the interactions between cognitions and emotioons play an important role in the persistence of such minds" (p.70). Ornstein's Mind-In-Place Theory emphasizes that one "mind-in-place" will give way to another "mind-in-place" as circumstances change; that

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