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Remembering an Event

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Essay title: Remembering an Event

Trapped in a Closet

“Yo Andy lets go!” my cousin yells with excitement, while hitting the 8-ball in the pocket. Running out of the bathroom and drying my hands on my shirt, I get into the front seat of my cousin’s car, to go pick up a friend, Jason. As we pull up to his driveway, I text him to come out. A couple minutes later, Jason comes and gets in the car. On our way to our friend, Peter’s party, we stop at a near by gas station to get something to drink. As we leave the gas station, we spot three black and white Crown Victorias driving the direction we are headed. Seeing these cars made us hesitant about going to the party.

We get to Peter’s house around midnight, and once we entered the house, time flew by so quickly an hour felt like a couple minutes. Before we knew it, it was already four in the morning. I had to be home by three so my parents were already going to murder me, but Jason on the other hand had snuck out, so he had to be home before his parents woke up for work. Realizing we only have thirty minutes to get Jason sober and at home, because his parents wake up at 4:30 we frantically look for him around the house. About five minutes pass, and we find Jason lying unconscious on the sofa. We manage to carry him to the car, which felt like we were carrying a dead corpse, in addition to that it was pitch black outside and the only light that was visible were the lights flashing from when my cousin was unlocking his car. We finally get to Jason’s house, assuming we have a couple of minutes before his parents wake up. Pulling up to Jason’s house we realized there was a problem. My cousin had met Jason’s parents, so which meant I would have to carry Jason to his room on my own.

I had my cousin wait outside as I was literally dragging Jason out of the car. We made our way through his front door, which looked extremely small in our situation. The inside of his house was even darker and colder than it was outside. I thought of turning on the light but I figured it would only aggravate the idea of his parent’s waking up. So I tried opening my eyes wider than it was to see if I could adapt to the darkness, however it didn’t work. Then I turned on the flash on my phone to see if it would help, that didn’t work either. It was like trying to light up a dark and chilling cave with a little flashlight and the fear of waking the bats.

Surprisingly I made it up to his room, without much difficulty. I flopped him onto the bed and decided it was time to make my escape. Then out of nowhere, I hear the old wooden floor squeak from across the hall. As I turned my head toward the door, I heard a click, and saw a dim and yellowish light turned on through the gap between

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