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Res 341 - Organizing the Research Paper

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Essay title: Res 341 - Organizing the Research Paper

Organizing the Research Paper

Company XXX’s Workplace Violence Prevention Proposal


University of Phoenix Online

October 29, 2007


This research project is based on XXX; a well known company which is a global leader in pharmaceuticals, consumer and animal healthcare products. At XXX Pharmaceuticals, the vision is to lead the way to a healthier world. The organization is committed to attaining this vision by making quality, integrity and excellence the distinguishing marks of the business. Through recruitment, development and motivation of the best people, XXX is continually growing and improving the pharmaceutical business.

Problem Statement

The problem is that it is unknown if the issue is not researched, addressed and a solution is not found. Due to XXX’s downsizing plan and the possible closing of the RP plant, workers are experiencing low-morale and conflict within the facility. Management has chosen over the years to ‘sweep’ personal conflict situations under the carpet by simply switching workers to other departments instead of dealing with the issue head-on. This ‘quick’ fix is becoming a problem as with the decline of workers, there is a decline of available jobs in other departments to send individuals who do not get along.

In 2005, XXX announced its decision to close the RP plant and relocate OTC and RX manufacturing processes from X STATE to Y STATE, and off-shore. This move and plant closing is scheduled to be completed at the end of 2009. Downsizing is described as the organized reduction of a workforce through a set of activities by which organizations plan to enhance efficiency and operations (Shay, Rita, Gedalihau, Daphna, 2006). XXX’s decision to downsize has affected the organization's external and internal atmosphere, but especially the workforce that has remained. The workforce at XXX is dotted with disgruntled employees who are directing their acts of violence toward coworkers, supervisors, and managers. Mistreatment, bullying, harmful mistreatment and harassment are not new to XXX, but with the many plant changes, this issue has become more severe.

Preventing workplace violence is a growing concern in the United States and over 70% of workplaces do not have a documented program or policy that focuses on workplace violence (U.S. Department of Labor, 2006). According to the Critical Incident Response Group National Center for the Analysis of Violent Crime FBI Academy, Quantico, Virginia, ‘the majority of incidents that employees/managers have to deal with on a daily basis are lesser cases of assaults, domestic violence, stalking, threats, harassment (to include sexual harassment), and physical or emotional abuse that make no headlines.’ Very few of the accounts listed above are brought to company agents or reported to the police (U.S. Department of Justice, 2002).

Research Purpose

The purpose of this paper is to research and develop a workplace violence prevention plan. There is a necessity to create written policies and provide training in order to deal with workplace violence successfully within an organization. Initial prevention and how to control a variety of factors that lead to workplace violence will be acknowledged within this paper.

Resolving this issue would be of interest to XXX as violence within the workplace affects financial as well as human resources; introduces serious occupational safety hazards for employees and distinct challenges for employers who must put a stop to violence in the workplace (NYSDL, 2006).

Problem Background

In the past, there have been few instances of violence committed by people related to employees of XXX, and more occurrences between employees. Security measures were stepped up to prevent domestic violence from spilling over into the workplace by denying non-employed individuals access to XXX property. But disturbing disagreements between workers within XXX unfortunately, were dismissed as simple misunderstandings between individuals.

The primary reasons for violence developing at XXX are economic causes that include downsizing, over-stressed population due to forced overtime because of the downsizing; the re-organizing of departments, layoffs, and unemployment. These factors have led to jealous feelings and frequent differences that evolve into full-blown conflict. XXX stresses to its workers the importance of working together even if there can be no personal relationship within the work group. Get along are words often heard, but no training is given or even available

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