Resistance of a Wire Investigation
By: Kevin • Essay • 311 Words • November 12, 2009 • 1,344 Views
Essay title: Resistance of a Wire Investigation
Preliminary Investigation:
Aim: To investigate the main problems with my main experiment and to see how to resolve these.
Preliminary Method:
1. Setup Equipment
2. Make Circuit with the set length of wire
3. Draw Results table
4. Record Results
5. Change the lengths of wire and do same steps 2 more times.
Preliminary Equipment:
• Metre Ruler
• Metre length Of wire
• Voltmeter
• Ammeter
• Power Unit
• Sellotape
• Paper, Pencil
Preliminary Diagram:
Preliminary Investigation:
I have decided to do a preliminary investigation. This preliminary will help plan my main experiment. I will choose 3 lengths, 10cm, 50cm and 100cm. These lengths are reliable as they don’t jump lengths too much. One small, medium and large length. Here I will use a simple circuit and study the results, to see they are reliable. This investigation will mainly show the accuracy and how reliable my main investigation is,