Response Paper on the Heart of Darkness
By: regina • Essay • 351 Words • December 12, 2009 • 1,475 Views
Essay title: Response Paper on the Heart of Darkness
I want to do my short paper on The Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad and compare this story with the spirit of industrialization. I was going to support this idea based on nature of the soul and relate that to Kurtz by showing that nature of the soul is that involving irrational and rational components , irrational being needs and, instincts or wants but can be controlled by reason. The other part is rational, or cognitive, to think or remember. In the story Kurtz and even Marlow are compelled by the irrational and rational components in the nature of the soul thus relating to the spirit of industrialization in which there was a strive for new knowledge, to think of new ways to do things and make them easier but also in an irrational way in that a lot of the companies at the time showed that their wants came before anything else. For instance people would work 12 hour days and this would include children and would not have a required break or even restrooms, it was all a matter of producing the most stuff at the smallest price no matter the consequences. In the Heart of Darkness Kurtz tried to collect