Samsung Marketing Report
By: Mike • Essay • 6,938 Words • December 23, 2009 • 1,501 Views
Essay title: Samsung Marketing Report
I. Positioning Statement
Samsung embodies style and technology for the young professional, with its cutting edge design and superior connectivity features.
Samsung’s positioning statement is one that asserts its differentiation vis-?-vis other mobile phone providers. In the local market where myriad choices abound, Samsung’s sleek exterior design, accompanied by its selection of soft and hard features, render it an optimal purchase for the young, technologically updated professional.
II. SWOT based on primary and secondary research
? Strong global presence
? Diversified product line
? Technology
? Design Weaknesses
? Customer perception of weak product attributes like Durability
? Camera / Video quality, User friendliness
? Voice clarity, Value for money
? Incompatibility with different software platforms
? Increasing mobile market
? High % of Younger population
? Strong customer demand for innovative products & value-added features
? Low Landline penetration Threats
? Increasing competition
? Decreasing product margins
III. Prioritized Segments
Based on the output of our UAI and our research, we have deduced that the features which distinguish Samsung from its competitors are primarily appreciated by young urban professionals. This segment, consisting of emerging and experienced members of the working force, are versed in new technology as they are constantly updated by colleagues and possess aspirations towards advancing in their careers. They have been identified as the primary target market because of their higher levels of disposable income as opposed to students who subsist on allowance.
Samsung’s secondary market falls within the age range of 15 to 25. This age group consists of mid-teens and new members of the workforce. The predisposition of the teenage segment to yearn for the latest mobile phone models is driven by peer pressure and the desire to be identified as keeping abreast with the latest trends.
A more detailed discussion on these two segments follows below:
Exhibit 1: Primary and Secondary Market Segments
IV. Profile behavior and decision making process
Visiting a Samsung concept store revealed some purchase habits of potential Samsung clientele. Potential buyers who amble into the store are well researched and informed. This is evident in their already having a selection of models in mind prior to store visit. This is also manifest in their verbal request for specific features and for units falling within predetermined price ranges.
Cross-referencing overt behavior in the shop with data obtained from the UAI reveals three primary sources of information in cellular phone selection. Television was noted as the primary communication channel from which product knowledge was gained. In terms of purchase decision, peers and colleagues advice was a primary influence.
Exhibit 2: Sources of Information and Key Influencers
Apart from the above data, interviews have allowed us to conclude that a considerable majority begins their pre-purchase activities by comparing several brands in terms of desired and available features, price, and point of purchase promotion.
V. Qualitative Value Proposition
Qualitative features aligned with Samsung’s value-proposition are 1) Style/Design, 2) Technology, 3)Value for Money, 4) Durability, and 5) Usability/User-friendliness. Also gleaned from our FGD and UAI are the aforementioned qualitative determinants of perception of value. These criteria were ranked primary in terms of what would-be mobile phone buyers seek when they select an optimal unit.
VI. Qualitative & Quantitative Marketing Objectives
Samsung’s marketing efforts should be oriented towards increasing its market share and sales volume of its mobile phones. 2007 data place Samsung as the third