Santiago and Manolin
By: Janna • Essay • 491 Words • November 22, 2009 • 1,143 Views
Essay title: Santiago and Manolin
In life, there will be times when you are not able to rely on others to help you get through things. You will have to get through them alone. Santiago’s time came when he was out fishing. He was all alone because Manolin was not allowed to go out to sea with him, although he truly wanted to. I also had to get through something alone just like many other people.
My sisters an I spent awhile up in Pennsylvania for the filming of my dads movie. We helped organize things, made people feel comfortable and we even acted in the movie too. It was being filmed at a sleep away camp. The scenery around us was beautiful. At times there were many kids at the camp to act, and at times there were few. There was always something to do, unless you had no one
to do it with. A few weeks into the filming, both of my sisters scenes had already been filmed. I still had to do a few more scenes. They were both given the option to stay, but they both chose to leave. They had to catch up on some stuff back at home. When they both left, I felt very lonely. It felt that the camp was so empty, because I was so used to having them there. Also, most of the other kids scenes were over too, so there were mostly just adults left to film. Since I had been there so long already, I was beginning to feel very comfortable with the crew members and the remaining cast. I also had my mom and dad there too, but they were very busy most of the time. Instead of being alone, I made conversation with other people so they would