By: July • Essay • 738 Words • December 17, 2009 • 1,197 Views
Essay title: Serenity
Heather Kenney
Mrs. Danner
English 101 (TTH)
March 15. 2008
I remember always feeling that no matter how much I
Some of life's most profound lessons can be learned in the most unexpected places if we only take the time to look around us and see with our hearts as well as our eyes.
One day while commuting to and from work between Sacramento and Placerville California, I witnessed one of the most spectacular sunrises of my lifetime. It is a rare opportunity to see the sun both rise and set in the splendor of Placerville County so on this particular morning I decided to take the time to stop on a hilltop and watch the colors collide. I had a panoramic view by using the rearview and side mirrors, as well as my northwestward home-bound view. As that large orb peeped over the horizon and then bloomed in all its glory, making it impossible to look directly into its blinding rays. It was a breathtaking sight; Glimpses of glittering gold and bubbly pink colliding I not only saw that sunset, I experienced it
However, the best was yet to come in the form of the afterglow.
As I sat there watching the ever-changing colors, I realized that tears of pure delight were running down my cheeks. The brilliant, vibrant colors of the sunset began to fade into the most beautiful pastels, mingling and blending into every imaginable color, and I realize that I was given one of the greatest gifts of my entire life--a view of life from beginning to ending~ and beyond.
Life begins as a sunrise. Life lived out, no matter how many years on this earth; a mere blink of the eye is compared to eternity. During the course of that lifetime many changes take place. Sometimes the sun is completely obscured by the storm clouds of life; however, no matter how hard the storms may rage, or how dark the world may become around us, the sun is still shining. It is only temporarily hidden from our view. How wonderful! It always shines again!
To me, the real beauty of life is in the fact that we're not poured into some specific mold with a predetermined, unalterable life pattern. We were created as unique individuals with a free will to make the choices that shape our