Short Story Murderer
By: Mike • Essay • 2,523 Words • December 16, 2009 • 1,061 Views
Essay title: Short Story Murderer
Its a short story that literally never ends
“I killed my best friend” I started sobbing right there in front of all Brenda’s relatives. I was expecting them to look shocked at the very least. I guess they knew the story, or thought they knew. “Rest in peace Brenda you would never be forgotten” I ended and walked off. I was told not to say �I killed my best friend’ but I had to. Let all the people out there know that I’m a murderer.
“That went pretty well, short but sweet.” Mum told me, only after she realised the hurt look on my eyes. “Thanks but can we go now? I’ve contributed to my part haven’t I?” I asked. I’d rather be anywhere in the world right now, anywhere other than here. The church. My mum started crying and we all walked out. Mum, dad and I while everyone else in the church remained seated. I know I’m very cold hearted to leave the church after my speech on my best friend’s funeral.
It was Friday after school when I had to give a lift for Brenda to her place. I was a confident driver back then so Brenda always chose me over taxi. I was driving along a not so busy road. Music blasting out the radio, the windows rolled down all the way. Then we were going down the slope. It was the best part of the drive. I’ve always had my foot on the brake, just in case. This particular day while we were driving a cat came and sat on the road. In the middle of the road. On my side of the road. Since we were going down hill I could see the cat form a far away distance. I pressed my horn over and over again. Yelled at it over the window but it still wouldn’t budge. My last resort was of course the brake. But apparently not. The brake was not working. I panicked and moved the car to the left, avoided the cat but not my best friend. As I was trying to get away from the cat I smashed right onto a telegraph pole that was on the side of the road. That was the end of Brenda. So yes I did kill my best friend but I should at least receive a medal for saving the cat.
“Josie its called denial” my councilor Jake told me. “I’m not denying it. I’m accepting it” I truly was. I know Brenda is dead and that is called acceptance not denial. Even I know that. “Okay fine you are not denying, you are just blaming it on your self” I give up. I really do. We both know clearly that I killed Brenda. Jake has given up on me long long time ago. Just never admitted it. I always stand by my statement. He has to work pretty hard to convince me otherwise.
“Josie go to the principal’s office.”
“Yes NOW!!!!” so I exit quickly. I never seen Ms.Smith so mad before, sure she had a reason to be but not this mad. Now I’m used to visiting the principals office. This time it was because I answered a classmate of mine’s question. She asked me “How are you today Josie” I could have lied and said brilliant but didn’t see the point so I told her the truth. “ I feel really sad and feel guilty for killing Brenda even though it was an accident. I feel really cold hearted for only saying two sentences at her funeral.” “I feel bad for the fact that I was at the church only for twenty minutes.” I didn’t do anything wrong I told her the truth and what do I get? Punished. I could have gotten away with the truth if she hadn’t started crying and making such a huge deal out of it. The principal of course as usual didn’t wait to hear what I had to say. Just sent me home for the day. I got to miss out on double math so it isn’t so bad.
“Let me get this straight you were sent home for the day because you told the truth?” mum asked when we got through our front door. “It’s hard to explain, I just need some time out. It hasn’t even been a week and you expect me to be normal?” this was another truth from me. “ I expect you to at least try Josie”
“ I am trying mother” I only use mother instead of mum when I’m angry, and we both knew that. “We’ll talk about this when I get back form work. There’s some leftover pizza in the fridge help your self. See you at six okay?”
“ Yea sure” I walked to my room before she sees me crying.
“Can I have a large fries and a regular sundae please?” I told the person behind the checkout. I wonder how much they get paid just to stand there, smile and greet people. I come here all the time when ever I’m sent home. Just like this time and I still get greeted with the same greetings. Except this time I know better than to