Shortage of Employees
By: Vika • Essay • 631 Words • November 17, 2009 • 1,405 Views
Essay title: Shortage of Employees
A shortage of employees can be the result of either a short term issue or a long term issue. An example of a short term issue would be the need to create a new product display for an upcoming open house and an example of a long term issue would be the need to develop an entirely new product line. The need to create a product display is something that could possibly be done within a matter of a couple days, but the creation of an entirely new product line is something that would most likely require a great deal of research and planning, and thus it could take upwards of a year or more.
Once it is determined whether the organization is looking at a long term or short term issue, they then must decide on the most efficient and effective way of overcoming the shortage. A shortage can be the result of a number of different things. Examples of such things that could cause a shortage include; excessive number of employees on vacation, an excessive number of employees out on sick leave, or just not having enough employees on the payroll. Whatever the cause for the shortage, the organization will want to consider the cost of its solution, which will include having to train, as well as pay wages and benefits for, new employees. It is also a good idea to include all current employees in this problem solving. Current employees are aware of what is going on around them, and if they are included in company decision making, or at least given the opportunity to share their own thoughts, concerns, and ideas, the organization might find there is no need to look any further in terms of solving the situation at hand.
If the issue causing the shortage is a short term issue the best solution might be to offer some extra incentives to current employees, in hopes that they will take on some extra added responsibilities. Rather than demand that all employees work longer days or weeks, offer to pay overtime for anyone who volunteers to work extra. Other incentives that could be used are offering a couple extra vacation days for those that do volunteer, allowing volunteers extended lunch hours during the duration of the project, having