Skin Disorders
By: Tommy • Research Paper • 998 Words • November 18, 2009 • 1,836 Views
Essay title: Skin Disorders
Skin Disorders
I chose my topic because I have a skin condition, and I thought it might be a good idea to research different skin disorders. I have eczema on my foot and it was a very irritable skin disorder to go through. But thanks to the miracle of modern day medicine, all I'm left with is a scar and it is barely noticeable. Since that's my skin disorder I will begin with eczema and work my way down to pressure sores.
Eczema is a term used to describe itchy, red inflammation of the skin with oozing of fluid and crusting, which doctors also describe as atopic dermatitis. People who have eczema usually have a family history of asthma, hay fever and atopic dermatitis (eczema). Dermatitis affects about one in every five people at some time in their lives. It results from a variety of different causes and has various patterns. Some people who have eczema also have asthma or hay fever. Eczema is an inherited disease in which part of the immune system is over active. People with eczema can be shown to have multiple allergies on skin and prick testing, particularly to house dust mite, pollens and certain foods. Psychological stresses can provoke or aggravate dermatitis, presumably by suppressing normal immune mechanisms. Certain occupations such as farming, hairdressing, domestic and industrial cleaning, domestic duties and care giving expose the skin to various irritants and sometimes allergens. This aggravates atopic dermatitis.
Scabies is a contagious mite infection of the skin. Scabies is caused by Sarcoptes scabiei, a parasite mite. Scabies mites live on human blood and need the warmth of the human body to survive. Away from the body, they die within 48 hours. Scabies is spread from person to person mainly by prolonged (several minutes) direct skin-to-skin contact, such as touching a person who has scabies. In rare cases, scabies can spread by contact with clothes, towels, bedding, and other personal items that were recently in contact with an infected person. Burrowing of the mites causes the infection. Scabies mites tunnel under the skin, lay eggs, and produce substances that cause an allergic reaction. The path of a mite's burrow looks like a line of tiny blisters on the skin. Larvae hatch from the eggs and live under the skin's surface, where they develop into adult mites. Scabies is a fairly common infectious disease that occurs sporadically and also sometimes in outbreaks. Most outbreaks occur in nursing homes, institutions, and child-care centers.
Lupus is a chronic inflammatory disease marked by its effect on various parts of the body, including the joints, skin, blood, and kidneys. It is a condition in which the body's immune system attacks its own cells and tissues, resulting in pain, inflammation, and often damage to organs. Lupus involves the immune system. The immune system makes antibodies that work to protect the body against foreign substances like viruses and bacteria. Such foreign bodies are called antigens. When a person has lupus, his or her body is unable to determine the difference between antigens and the individual's cells and body tissues. As such, the immune system creates antibodies against the individual's own tissues. These antibodies are called autoantibodies. Depending on the type of lupus, a wide range of symptoms may be experienced, from rashes, hair loss, and achy, swollen joints to fever, anemia, and abnormal blood clotting. Though the disease can affect many parts of the body, individuals usually experience symptoms in only a few organs. There is no known cure for lupus. However, medication and preventative-care treatments can help to minimize symptoms.
Shingles is a late manifestation of the chicken pox virus known as varicella zoster. Although shingles affects millions of adults by the time they reach 80, it is not uncommon for younger people to develop the