By: Venidikt • Essay • 310 Words • November 18, 2009 • 2,287 Views
Essay title: Slavery
In the nineteenth century, supporters of slavery in used legal, religious, and economic arguments to defend the institution of slavery. Southern plantation owners depended heavily on slavery. Cotton, their main export, required tedious slave labor. Thus, southern supporters of slavery employed whatever tactics they could in order to keep their slaves from emancipation, which worked and extended slavery for a few more decades. One of the ways Southerners defended slavery was through legal means. In 1831-1832, Virginia legislature debated and eventually defeated various emancipation proposals. This legislation was a turning point in the
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The slaves were becoming Chistian, which was far better than barbarians of the jungle. Slavemasters therefore encouraged religion in slaves, not only because it would keep them tame, but it would also suppress Northern abolitionist arguments. Free blacks, they said, would cause fierce competition in factory jobs, taking away many of immigrant jobs held by the Irish and German.
Also, without slavery, much of the revenue in the South would be eliminated, and the nation’s supply of cotton would be cut off. The North, too, was heavily dependent on cotton, and the loss of cotton would