Spending and Achievement
By: Mike • Study Guide • 423 Words • December 9, 2009 • 826 Views
Essay title: Spending and Achievement
Spending and Student Achievement Case
Case Problem Statement: There is some concern that spending may be unnecessarily out of control in many states. Higher education costs lead to higher taxes and residents are concerned there is no benefit in spending more because test scores are not always better just because more money is spent. Is there a relationship between money spent and test scores achieved?
a. The following are numerical and graphical data of the student spending case: The first table was sorted by least spent to most spent and adjacent to that are lowest scores to highest scores. This is a way to look at the data and see if there is any evidence that spending and scores might be related. The scatter diagram shows test scores in relation to money spent.
State Spending
per Pupil ($) Composite
Score State Spending
per Pupil ($) Composite
Utah 3,280 650 California 4,917 580
Mississippi 3,423 582 Hawaii 5,532 580
Alabama 3,777 604 Louisiana 4,049 581
Tennessee 3,800 618 Mississippi 3,423 582
Arizona 4,041 618 South Carolina 4,304 603
Louisiana 4,049 581 Alabama 3,777 604
Arkansas 4,060 615 Georgia 4,663 611
New Mexico 4,097 614 Florida 4,934 611
South Carolina 4,304 603 New Mexico 4,097 614
North Dakota 4,374 671 Arkansas 4,060 615
Missouri 4,483 641 Delaware 6,208 615
Texas 4,520 627 Tennessee 3,800 618
North Carolina 4,521 629 Arizona 4,041 618
Georgia 4,663 611 West Virginia 5,247 625
Colorado 4,772 644 Maryland 6,100 625
California 4,917 580 Kentucky 5,020 626
Florida 4,934 611 Texas 4,520 627
Montana 4,985 667 New York 8,162 628
Kentucky 5,020 626 North Carolina 4,521 629
Iowa 5,060 665 Rhode Island 6,554 638
Indiana 5,128 649 Washington 5,338 639
West Virginia 5,247 625 Missouri 4,483 641
Washington 5,338 639 Colorado 4,772 644
Nebraska 5,410 660 Indiana 5,128 649
Minnesota 5,477 661 Utah 3,280 650
Wyoming 5,515 657 Wyoming 5,515 657
Hawaii 5,532 580 Connecticut 7,629 657
Maine 5,561 675 Massachusetts 6,413 658
Wisconsin 6,055 667 Nebraska 5,410 660
Maryland 6,100 625 Minnesota 5,477 661
Delaware 6,208 615 Iowa 5,060 665
Massachusetts 6,413 658 Montana 4,985 667
Rhode Island 6,554 638 Wisconsin 6,055 667
Connecticut 7,629 657 North Dakota 4,374 671
New York 8,162 628 Maine 5,561 675
b. Based on the Excel output only 12.3% of the scores correlate with money spent a clear indication that there is no relationship between the amount of money spent and the scores achieved.
Regression Statistics
Multiple R 0.351698
R Square 0.123691
Adjusted R Square 0.096307
Standard Error 25.1825
Observations 34