Spirituality Think Piece
By: Steve • Essay • 785 Words • December 22, 2009 • 859 Views
Essay title: Spirituality Think Piece
Throughout the semester we have covered just a glipse of how rhetoric and spirituality all relate and create meaning to our communication. The Bible is guidebook, in which God's creates a way of how man should live. It has 66 books, 39 Old Testament, "part one" books and 27 New Testament, "part two" books, which are a roadmap of sorts, for life. The biblical writers used narratives to report the acts of God in reenactment of the divine rhetorical teachings. In other words, God spoke through his mighty acts to call humankind to faith and conformity to his will. The narratives of the Bible report those acts for the same purpose and even prescribe ritual events for the telling and retelling of the sacred stories. I will be describing how this book is rhetorical and spiritual, from a Catholic perspective as I feel we influence communication.
New possibilities for understanding the biblical word in its originality have opened up through the study of rhetoric. All interpretations have a common meaning, however preached and studied differently among all branches of religion, leads to different perceptions, beliefs, and practices. Preachers can vary their styles to communicate is a sense of aspirations, recruitment, teaching, or as language. They search for the original to lead and try to put the word back into the past completely so that it is no longer taken in its actuality. It can result that only the human dimension of the word appears as real, while the genuine author, God, is removed from the reach of a method, which was established for understanding human reality. Since humans may look for the understanding too much, that they forget the real meaning of spirituality, believing in something that can't always be seen or understood.
The Bible is a way that humans can try to reach the greater being and believe in something they can't see. Humans' feel the way to salvation or to go on living after death, is through living more spiritual life. Even way back then this pointed to the eventual need for salvation, or someone to pay for or cleanse us from our sin. Yet, even from the beginning, man was always trying to do it, work his way to God on his own. Kirkwood even commented in his studies, that spirituality is an internal process towards the truth in which one can better his or herself. How much truth though, someone puts into believing the scriptures or those that preach them, may cause problems. That is a danger of spirituality, one may for get life is real and not always relates to the divine. Humans can start relating what happens in everyday life, to some greater force, instead of taking responsibility for their actions or the tangible elements of everyday life.