Summary of Boy U Fight like Girl
By: Anna • Essay • 268 Words • November 8, 2009 • 1,856 Views
Essay title: Summary of Boy U Fight like Girl
Alex Pham addresses the deception of online gamers in gender-switching and the effects it has on the online community in the article “Boy, you fight like a girl”. Both men and women are a part of this online community consisting of thousands of gamers that face several challenges. Among them are men who play as women not being taken seriously while women who play as men might lose respect by fellow gamers if their identity is revealed. The online gaming community is increasing, therefore resulting in more gender switching. Such trends have strong impacts on the gaming community because of real-life like graphic representations of near perfect men and women. Despite being fictional, these virtual models result in real emotions being brought out from one gamer to another, whether through cybersex or harassment, to the recipient’s discretion. These emotions often lead to online relationships that can have the same ramifications as a real one leading to a dangerous