Summer Sales? That’s Hot!
By: regina • Essay • 1,281 Words • November 11, 2009 • 1,271 Views
Essay title: Summer Sales? That’s Hot!
Summer Sales? That’s HOT!
Spring has undoubtedly sprung, the sun continues to shine and right this minute you find yourself soaking up the latest infamous article written by the “Guru of Marco Island Real Estate” himself. Funny as a nickname may seem, when the shoe fits, sometimes we have no choice but to have it shoved upon our foot. For example, I would generally refer to myself as “Joe Charde”. But as they say, you can pick your friends, but you can’t pick your nickname! Ok, so maybe that’s not exactly how the old saying goes, but in all seriousness, the name “Guru” does tend to grab your attention. And THAT is something I take very seriously.
So now that you’ve been so kind as to lend me your ear, please listen closely. If you’re a first time reader, you’ll need to catch up. I highly recommend you view my previous articles “It’s Time to get Focused” and “Back to the Future”. You can view those online at, read them on The Marco Review website or you’re always welcome to stop by my office on South Collier Blvd. My staff and I will gladly accommodate you.
But for now, it’s “hold-onto-your-seats” time! We’re about to learn what’s in store for the summer of 2007 here in paradise. I will warn many of you avid readers, this won’t be your average negative scoop from the press so typically found elsewhere. Yes, The Guru of Marco Island Real Estate does in fact have VIP access to the real deal.
So let’s begin, shall we?
Myth #1 There is currently a specific four month “season” when the buying and selling of real estate takes place in Collier County.
When I first relocated here from the Connecticut/New York area in 1983, I was told that the “snowbirds” arrive at Thanksgiving and leave after Easter. At that time, this was fairly accurate. But the times they are a-changing. People are buying and selling throughout the summer months now and the following facts directly contribute:
1. the U.S. economy as a whole
2. our local real estate market conditions
3. population increase
4. weather changes
5. technology (internet)
6. international (European) influence
7. the local, national and international media
8. the seller’s market of years 2000 through 2005
Myth #2 The 2006 real estate market “normalization” (chronically and wrongly referred to as a horrific bubble bursting or flatlining)
will cause the “four month season” trend to fall back into place, causing sales to subside after Easter.
Let’s start with the facts: It’s true that the hot seller’s market of 2003-2005 did in fact repeatedly push the season for buying and selling real estate to a total of nearly ten months. It was certainly unbelievable and many realtors thought it would never end. Surprise! It peaked in 2005. Then in 2006 came the market correction. The season was slow compared to previous years and prices stabilized.
Here’s where it gets good:
2007 brought with it a solid buyer’s market, with a very large selection of lots, condos and homes to choose from. Just like a hot seller’s market tends to push the season’s sales well into the summer months, a buyer’s market too can create a similar effect. Buyers are now in control. Many buyers this year did not buy during the “four month window”. Some have specifically told me of plans to hold out on their purchase until April, May, June or July. Their hopes are of capitalizing on the “better buys” and “lower prices” during the so-called “off-season”. These folks are sometimes referred to as “BE-BACKS” and I predict we will be invaded by the BE-BACKS in the summer
of 2007.
But that’s not the only good news. There are quite a few other factors to add into our local equation.
2. European visitors.
I believe that due to the weak dollar abroad, we will see many international visitors this summer. The least expensive time to visit our island paradise also happens to be their time to go on “Holiday” - May through October.
3. School’s out for summer!