Taliban Fighter
By: Kevin • Essay • 616 Words • November 16, 2009 • 890 Views
Essay title: Taliban Fighter
It is my duty as a Muslim to expel the infidels out of my homeland. They are unworthy to be in our holy land and must be removed however possible. Allah has directed me to take up arms with my fellow brethren and take the fight to them. We will attack them in various different ways to get the support of their country to diminish.
The start of our campaign will have to start with a show of force. We will attack them on every street in every city. We will have the advantage as we know the layout of the cities. We will be able to blend in with the local populace, so the infidels will not know who is attacking them. We will show them that we are not afraid of them. I know we will lose members of our force. They will not die in vain, but as martyrs for the cause.
While we are in the cities, we will try to gain the acceptance and backing of the people. We will promise financial support for all of those that will help us. For those that will not offer their assistance after all that we promise, we will be forced to use other tactics to convince the populace to let us be there. We will set-up neighborhood watches to gather information pertaining to the capture or killing of any foreign fighters. These neighborhoods will be safe havens for rest of my brethren in arms, the more strong points we have throughout the cities the sooner we will remove them from our country.
We will not be limited on the type of attacks we will use against the foreign fighters. We will take measures such as kidnappings, bombings and any other method that we see fit as we learn the tactics of the infidels. We accept the risk that there will be civilian casualties, but Allah will greet them with open arms to heaven. I will use kidnappings to show how vulnerable they are to our attacks.
I will use all sources of the media to my advantage. After kidnappings I will parade them over the internet, to gain support for my cause. Television will be another way that I will use to spread my propaganda; there is