By: Top • Essay • 613 Words • December 14, 2009 • 755 Views
Essay title: Teacher
TDC Sunrise - S.W.O.T. (before merger)
When analyzing a company it’s important to look at its resource strengths and weaknesses as well as its external opportunities and threats, or SWOT. First we will look at TDC Sunrise’s SWOT before the merger with diAx.
Before the merger, TDC Sunrise’s biggest strength was being the best long distance provider in the market by beating competitors’ prices. Another strength that they possessed was good marketing as was demonstrated by their ingenious New Year’s Eve event that stole the spotlight from their main competitor.
The most glaring weakness that sunrise had was that it did not have a mobile/wireless license, and this was a major problem because mobile phones were the way of the future. The market for mobile phones was projecting to be extremely profitable with significant growth potential, and without a license Sunrise would be watching their rival telecom companies gain market share. Another weakness Sunrise had was the quality of their products. The perception of the company was that it was placing more importance on getting the product to market rather than the actual quality of the product. And finally Sunrise, along with most of the industry, suffers from overspending.
With these weaknesses in mind, Sunrise’s search for market opportunities would include exploring the possibility of acquiring rival firms or companies with a mobile/wireless license so they would be able to enter the booming mobile phone market.
Sunrise’s biggest threat is its competitors that already have this license and can enter the mobile market, giving them the advantage of being in the market before sunrise and building market share.
diAX - S.W.O.T. (before merger)
Looking at diAx before the merger their strengths and weaknesses are apparent. One of their strengths consists of having a mobile/wireless license which will allow them enter into a booming mobile market with significant profit potential. Other strengths include that they provide top quality products and they have had good advertising as they the brand diAx is well known.
As for their weaknesses, their process for getting products into market is slow as they cannot compete with production capabilities of much larger companies. Other weaknesses are that their brand perception is not good due to weak network coverage with their mobile