The Color of Love. Virtual Love
By: Kevin • Essay • 588 Words • December 9, 2009 • 1,356 Views
Essay title: The Color of Love. Virtual Love
In Dansy Senna’s essay, “The Color of Love” and Meghan Daum’s
essay, “Virtual Love” there are many different themes. The most obvious
theme would be the subject of love, as both essay titles include the word.
Love is a certain high a person may have. He or she feel like their on top of
the world when they seem to find, in their opinion, their soul mate. But, as
with all the highs come all the lows. Someone can feel above the clouds
but can also feel below the ground. Disappointments come when high
expectations are not met.
In Daum’s case it starts with her opening up an e-mail one day with
the subject line saying, “ is this the real megham daum?” Over the course of
a few weeks she develops an unexplainable affection with the man behind
the screen name PFSlider. Later she finds out that his real name is Pete and
he lives in California. She starts to check her e-mail ferociously. Every time
she has a new message she gets happy and when she doesn’t see anything
she gets mildly sad.
After a while she agrees to meet him on one of his business trips to
New York. The first impression is a pleasant one, but there is something
about him that she just can’t explain. She tries to like him but she isn’t safely behind her computer typing an e-mail to PFSlider. She’s on a date with Pete
and everything he’s saying goes in one ear and out the other. “Instead of
blaming him for my disappointment, I blamed the earth itself, the invasion
of roommates and ringing phones into the immaculatecommunication that
PFSlider and I had created.” She knew that this relationship was just not
going to work and she was disappointed because she was in love with
PFSlider, but not the man behind it.
“The Color of Love” is mostly about Dansy Senna and her
grandmother. The kind of relationship that they had would be classified as
tough love. Her grandma was a racist and Senna was half black so as a result
neither had much