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The Ends Justify the Means?

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Essay title: The Ends Justify the Means?

The idea that "the ends justify the means" is very dangerous because not only can it hurt others but it can also damage those who believe in that idea and take action to do it. Some people have a tendency to focus only on the outcomes since they seem much more victorious and glorious than the time they have to spend to reach them. This tendency might tempt one to cheat to get to good ends as quickly as possible. The movie, Cheaters directed by John Stockwell, shows how pursing only a good outcome hinders people from thinking rationally and eventually leads them to dishonesty. Having antagonism against unprivileged circumstances, the students and the new teacher at Steinmetz High School finally take wrong paths to grasp their glory. Dr. Plecki who is a is so passionate about his students' success, eventually becomes blinded by his own desire for glory and honor. Jolie Fitch, a student at the school who is also passionate about her education also loses her sense of morality in pursuit of her ambition. By demonstrating downfalls, Stockwell reveals the ends do not justify the means and even if a good end is achieved by inappropriate methods, people will eventually suffer from the untruthfulness that has been done.

Although the Steinmetz team and coach's intentions are right, their ways to achieve their dreams instead bring them disgrace at the end which proves that the good ends do not mean everything. The students at Steinmetz High School are in poor academic condition because they are underfunded by the government. It is obviously unfortunate and unfair them to not have the same opportunities as the students at Whitney High School get. Dr. Plecki, who comes to this under privileged school with passion to get the students into a higher level of education first starts the Academic Decathlon team with Jolie Fitch and empowers several students with higher dreams that they have never dreamt of. Dr. Plecki says, "I just want you to know what it feels like to win. Because once you've had that feeling, you'll never let it go." He wants to show the world that they can do it too. However, the discouragement from the first competition misguides them, so they collaborate to cheat and they finally win state which surprises community, with the joy and pride. If the story ended this way, it would be hard to say that "the ends do not justify the means" since no one would know the truth. However, it was right that the truth be revealed which shocks the community again with bewilderment and disappointment. The people who celebrate with joy are no longer willing to support the team because they have been betrayed with lies and deception. Even Dr. Plecki’s mother who feels very proud of her son after winning state competition, scolds him, "You're not the victim here Jerry. What you did was wrong and nothing you say can ever make it right." By watching their downfalls, it is clear that immorality can never be justified and it will even hurt family and friends because of the disgrace.

Stockwell demonstrates the team's inevitable downfall and points out the result of the untruthfulness are suffering and disgrace. It is remarkable how the innocent students become so cunning at lying and denying their guilt because they are afraid of the results. They too surely know that what they have done is wrong and unforgivable. One of the biggest sufferings that people might go through after doing unjust actions is having guilty feelings or emotional instability if the truth has not been revealed yet. Dominik is one of the team members that shows the most guilt feelings, and this leads him to confess the truth eventually because he cannot live with feeling guilty forever. It is a powerful feeling that will not let people feel comfortable and it is the result of dishonest. The team members and Dr. Plecki also have to face disgrace that is brought to their family and school. Although once their dreams are to bring honor to their school and the community, they instead worsen the school's reputation. "If you did cheat, it's time to come clean. Integrity

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