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The Flight of Christianity

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Essay title: The Flight of Christianity

The Historical Fight It [It must refer to a specific word in the sentence or the reader can become confused.] is always an honor and a privilege to learn of new nations and their people. However, not all nations began on stable grounds. For instance, Israel and the Palestine’s have both shared a difficult battle. Consequently, the battle between the Israelis and the Palestinians has been ongoing since the beginning of my religious convictions. The problems that we face, as a nation is called by Christians fulfillment of scripture. The Hebrew (Israelis) is the promise people and the Palestine is the half-brother of this nation. History states that Abraham was told that he would have a child with his wife Sara at a very old age. Sara began to get discouraged that she had not bared her husband his son. Therefore, she told him to go to her maid Bathsheba and have a son that they would raise as their son. At any rate, Sara later discovered that she to was expecting. Not surprisingly, Sara wanted Bathsheba and her [This is a run-on sentence because there is not a comma before the conjunction. Run-on sentences occur when conjunctions (and/or) and punctuation marks (commas and semicolons) are not used properly. ] son Ishmael whose name means wild child gone. Abraham sent them away. Although, Isaac is the promise son Abraham did not leave Ishmael without anything he was given a small piece of land as well. The text states that the Palestine’s feel that [Use a form of "believe," which is more accurate (and not a clichй)] they too have rite to the Promise land because Abraham is their father. Consequently, Ishmael and Isaac did not have a very good relationship. Ishmael became the leader of whom we now call Muslims. The fighting between these two nations has dated back to the mighty fight of David and Goliath. Indeed, the fighting has been prophesied to stop when Babylon (Iraq) unites with Russia to destruct all Hebrews, and Christians who has inherited the Promise land through the blood of Jesus. Israel has been fighting for its survival since it became a country in 1948. It [It must refer to a specific word in the sentence or the reader can become confused.] is surrounded by hostile nations that want to destroy or at least diminish it. There is tremendous tension between the Palestine Liberation Members and Israeli officials and citizens. There have been peaceful rallies and bloody bus bombings. People in Israel today are unsure about proceeding with peace negotiations or standing firm in stopping present day terrorist activities. Protests, shouting matches, and violent disputes between Israelis are common occurrences. No one person, the college professor, the taxi driver, or the merchant is sure that their solutions to these life and death problems are the right decision. The Islamic believes uses the solution of jihad and aggression as a way to resolve complex or sensitive problems. Islamic people tend to take offence at any behavior or action that insults the Koran, Prophet Mohammed and its principles. The opponents to the insulting actions of Muslims tend to be innocent Christians and their associates. However, it was difficult to understand this one fact because text support that the Islamic people once thought “Islam felt that Jews and Christians were "people of the Books" (p.321). The conflict relating Israel and Palestine started at a time when Israel felt the need to return to their promised land. The Palestine did not take the Israeli plan to return to their promised land seriously. There has always been misunderstanding between the two rival nationals. Attempts to reach peaceful agreement have met with hostile Palestinian suicide bombers who think an agreement will bring about a lasting peace. As far as suicide bombers are concerned, a lasting peace means that they cannot lay claim to martyrdom as stated in the Koran. In an attempt to seek martyrdom, they use themselves as suicide bombers to kill the “infidel”. For Jews, the establishment of the state of Israel represented a return to their biblical homeland after 2,000 years of exile and persecution, and the near extinction of the Jewish people in the Nazi Holocaust of WWII. For Palestinians, who had lived in the area they had called Palestine for 1,000 years, the land was also a spiritual home for their Islamic religion. Since 1979, there has been a movement towards peace in the Middle East. After engaging in many

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