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The Foundation of Operations Management

By:   •  Essay  •  266 Words  •  December 9, 2009  •  1,433 Views

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Essay title: The Foundation of Operations Management

This document examines and delineates the nature of knowledge management and its relationship with operations management. In essence, knowledge management underlies every facet of operations management, and must be identified and formalized in order to promote effective operations in any organization. Knowledge is information put into human usable form. Knowledge management is the control of the acquistion of knowledge, the identification and protection of its sources and the application of that knowledge to business planning and processes. Because of the developments in technology and the electronic networks connecting the globe, we are in danger of suffing information overload, the first consequence of which will be the loss of knowledge due to the inability of organizations to sort the wheat fromn the chaff. Effective knowledge Management maps the knowledge environment of the entire organization and creates plans and policies covering its processes of acquisition, dissemination, protection and application. It especially identifies the critical human elements without which knowledg does

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