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The Jewelry by Guy De Maupassant

By:   •  Essay  •  320 Words  •  December 18, 2009  •  2,283 Views

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Essay title: The Jewelry by Guy De Maupassant

In the Guy De Maupassant’s ‘The Jewelry’, a short story that anyone by just reading the title would think that it’s simply about a piece of jewelry. But it is not what the title seems, it’s about a man, M. Lantin, who found the love of his life and how he found out what he thought his wife did behind his back. The story only shows the M. Lantin’s side of the story, a man’s point of view, but it lacks Lady Lantin’s side of the story. Just by reading the story, Guy De Maupassant only wrote what M. Lantin saw and felt, but he never mentioned what Lady Lantin thought of her husband or her new marriage life. And in the end, after her death, as she had no chance of defending herself, she was accused of committing adultery. But a couple of expensive jewelries could mean anything, and as I was saying, Lady Lantin never had a chance to speak for herself throughout the story, no one could be sure of whether she was really having an affair with someone else or not. Even if she did, she might have

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