The Machine Age Comic
By: Vika • Essay • 405 Words • December 10, 2009 • 938 Views
Essay title: The Machine Age Comic
“The Machine Age Comic” was about Bob Hope who died a couple of weeks ago at age 100. He was the voice of the American people in the twentieth century. He worked hard at inventing disposable jokes, one liners, and he was always looking for the perfect gag. Many critics were doubtful of him. James Agee said, “Bob Hope is a good radio comedian, with a pleasing presence, but not much more.” He wasn’t in to using crude jokes, he loved mankind, and he lacked surrealism. He did, however, just want people to laugh.
Bob Hope was an inspiration to all aspiring comedians. He had a top-rated radio program and a twelve year run at the box office. At his time and age, all the kids wanted to be as much of wisecracker as he was. Even though some people came close to Hope’s stance as a comedian with their jokes and words, Hope had something they did not. He had the ability to crack jokes about political and worldly situations without being criticized.
According to the “Machine Age Comic,” Bob Hope had no depth. Of course, he made up for that with his enthusiasm and his ability to keep up with current events. He even took a side in the Vietnam War which brings about one of the most important things he did.
He was an American who cared about the morale and lives of our soldiers. He entertained them and took them away from the battlefield. He gave them “well-machined jokes