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The Marketing Techniques

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Essay title: The Marketing Techniques


The marketing techniques have considerable potential for the leading fitness and weight loss platform in America. Introducing this new service will give clean radiance on the underline problem faced by the youth of America today. This article will explore the internal most dealing of our new organization by describing the new services and examining the importance of marketing for the organization successes. The SWOTT of this organization will be analysis in order to determine the best market research approached and a well develop marketing strategy and procedure to introduce this new service successfully.

As the leading fitness and weight loss platform in America, Bally Total Fitness is the largest and only nationwide commercial operator of fitness centers in the U.S., with nearly 390 facilities and 30 franchises and joint ventures located in 29 states, Mexico, Canada, Korea, China and the Caribbean (Bally’s Corporate Website, 2006). One reason for Bally’s dominance and success in the fitness industry is through successful marketing strategies and campaigns. For example, the company does a substantial job in assessing growth opportunities through reading into the market opportunities they have before them. The company also assesses growth with market strategy tools. For example, Bally also offers a unique platform for distribution of a wide range of Bally-branded apparel, nutritional products, fitness-related merchandise and services targeted to active, health-conscious adult consumers, as well as to market its internet-based nutrition and weight management program (Bally’s Corporate Website, 2006). In addition, Bally-branded nutrition products are sold in about 7,000 select retail, grocery and drug store outlets including Wal-Mart, Rite Aid, Albertson's and Jewel-Osco, and its licensed portable exercise equipment is sold in more than 10,000 retail outlets such as The Sports Authority, Dick's Sporting Goods, Kohl's and Sears (Bally’s Corporate Website, 2006).

One crucial statistical fact that has helped Bally’s to market aggressively is that The International Health, Racquet, and Sports club Association (IHRSA). Estimates there were approximately 41.3 million adult members of fitness centers in the U.S. in 2004, up 61 percent from 10 years earlier and 4.8 percent from 2003, with continued growth expected as health and fitness remains a priority for many consumers (Bally’s Corporate Website, 2006). An alarming amount of Americans is putting on the pounds, with some figures suggesting that two-thirds of Americans are overweight or obese. The increasing amount of Americans gaining weight is causing the fitness industry to grow in earnings. Market data Enterprises Inc. reports that the weight loss sector is a $49 billion industry with expected growth of more than 10 percent annually in the weight loss center and meal replacement segments. With cross promotion of their products in other retail outlets and through other means such as apparel, nutritional items, and other fitness the company is a leader in marketing success as well. Demographic shifts seem inevitable and the potential for growth in the fitness industry looks to continue. Bally’s: Healthy Starts/Healthy Hearts is the new marketing campaign and strategy that the company has ventured to employ to keep the lead in the fitness industry.

The importance of marketing for this particular organization could improve the health of our younger generation. The society should never underestimate the importance of children’s health and fitness. In the same way that exercise is important for adults to exercise, children’s exercising is just as important (My Gym, Children Fitness Center, 2006). Children’s fitness not only could improve their health, exercising will improve them physically, mentally, and emotionally. Children fitness could decrease the chance of certain diseases and illness. Exercising builds children’s immune system, and endurance as well as in adults. This is needed to fight off certain viruses. A great deal of children has low self-esteem, with children fitness, exercising could boost their self-esteem. Exercising increase children mental health, this would help them improve in school, because exercise increases the ability to learn while enhancing academic achievement. In the United States, children do not participate in some type of fitness routine, because so many children are into video games. Many of these children develop health problems such as, Type II diabetes, heart problems, and obesity (My Gym, Children Fitness Center, 2006).

Children born after 2000 are prone to diabetes as people continue to eat more and exercise less. Ways to improve children chance of not becoming a diabetic is to keep children healthy by feeding them healthy meals and keeping

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