The Old Library
By: Stenly • Essay • 829 Words • December 6, 2009 • 826 Views
Essay title: The Old Library
The Old Library
I just got off work and finally got back to my house. As soon as I sat down to eat dinner the phone rang. It was my friend Roy. He wanted to go to the old library in Boston, and was calling to see if I wanted to go as well. All I wanted to do was to sit down and eat my pasta but I knew I had to study for the exams I have next week.
I got all my things together and waited at the door until Roy came and picked me up. I’ve never been to the library that we were going to, and was kind of nervous because its been closed for a while due to weird things that have happened in it. Just last year on the news there was a guy that said a boy was lost and he was last seen playing around the library.
We arrived at the library grabbed our bags and went inside. The doors were unlocked but there did not seem to be any librarians around. There was a note on the counter that said “back in five.” We assumed it was ok to be there. We picked a table near the window to do our work. We both had a history paper to work on. Mine was on the ancient Aztec civilizations and Roy’s was on the Seven Wonders of the World.
It was time to go find books on ours topics. The computer book finder said that the books that I would need to look at were on the lower floor of the library. My footsteps made the floor boards creek as I walked down the staircase. I walked up and down the aisles to find the right book. From the corner of my eye I caught a glimpse of an unusual looking book. I was bewildered by the book, it had what seemed to be a very old binding and this strange feeling compelled me to it. I slid the book of the shelf, on the cover there was a picture of a blue snake, with and old style title which read Aztec Culture. It was a big book. I turned to the first page; there was a faint sound of drums and people yelling. I took a seat in a nice big couch and looked over the table of contents. I flipped to the picture section. The pictures in the book were so elaborate and beautiful that I instantly was transported to this gorgeous part of the world thousands of years ago. I could smell the fresh air; it was much better than air I am used to, tainted by pollution. There was no technology in sight, only huts against the jungle edge.
The people that I saw were definitely not dressed appropriately for current times. They dressed in loin clothes and the warriors had on armor. I wondered what might be a threat to this tribe of Aztecs, because