The Pinto Case
By: Mike • Essay • 868 Words • December 14, 2009 • 828 Views
Essay title: The Pinto Case
This story tells the case of the 3 girls who died in an accidedent of a ford pinto, being one of some many victims of this car, which had been publicly known already for its readiness to fire in low-speed rear-end collsioions. this case was the most famous of them, as it resulted in prosectutions of criminal conduct against ford motors.
In this case, there are 6 different parites relevant to this case:
1- the judge
2- the victims (the 3 girls)
3- the one presenting the case against ford (parents or relatives of the victims)
4- Ford Motors president
5- Ford Motors engineers
6- the media
First of all, before testing the disclosure rule on your accusations, the primary things that stimulate your actions would be your own and personal ethics and values, and through a larger picure the society you were brough from. Does it promote honesty or fairness, or does it aim only for the advantageous side regardless of whether or not you are mistaken or not?
In the pinto case, we can see that the designing engineers of the car were completely of very low virtues, because they were clearly aware of the faults in the design of the fuel tank trough their crash testing, however they didnt reply to this cause of danger, as they thought that it is just "too late to redesign".
Another individual who would be found guily would be Ioacca who set an important goal known as "the limits of the 2000" which states that bought the price and the weight of the car should not excced 2000 dollars or 2000 pounds, so as to be compepteive. This resuted to the ignorance of the redesign, as it would certatinly cost more in this case. I would personally consider Iococca a person of low standards and ethics as he chose to abide by his rules which clearly affected in the killings of mroe than 3000 per year due to the faulty design of the fuel tank.
Another Pinto engineer, whom I consider strongly influenced by the community hes working with. When asked about the safety of the car, he thought that the car wouldn't sell because of the fuel tank was redesigned the trunk wold space would be much smaller than the orignial one, which would result in less sales. This shows how strongly he was influenced from the community of Ford Motors which promoted sales over the safety of the passengers.
Finally, when someone accused Ford fo the death of a realtive, the jury set 125 million against Ford, most of them consisiting of punitive damages, however they were later reduced to 6 million, who was less fair and honest, as he just thought of Ford, as "callous indifferece to human life" and the latter judge based his evidence on Ford, who were not keen on spending 11 dollars for the redesign, but not taking the punitive damages into account.
The disclosure rule: since this accident already resulted in more meida attention than any