The Secret to Attracting Women
By: Top • Essay • 804 Words • November 23, 2009 • 965 Views
Essay title: The Secret to Attracting Women
The Secret to Attracting Women
Women. Few subjects cause as much pleasure or as much angst. The great secret to attracting them, if this be your mission, is simple. Use COMMON SENSE. Ironic isn't it? Us men pride ourselves on utilizing this most elementary of mental capacities, common sense, yet we can't apply it to our most fundamental emotional need.
Start using some common sense and the women your charms work on will find their way to you. How do I apply this so called simple common sense? First, common sense dictates that NOT ALL women will be attracted to you. It's the truth. Your style, look, genes, etc is not every woman's flavor. Women have preferences, just like you. That's not to say that women with certain preferences won't alter their taste to suit a certain guy's look or personality. But common sense will tell you that this won't happen often.
Which leads me to my next 'common sense' rule. Not all guys are equally attractive to women. A decent looking guy has a better chance of grabing a woman's attention than an average looking guy. Just like a hot looking girl will always grab YOUR attention before a Roseanne look-a-like does. A decent looking guy therefore, has a better chance of altering a woman's 'preference', since the decent looking guy is veiwed as 'exotic' rather than 'not my type', aka average looking dude.
Now, common sense will tell you that these two things I've gone over are things YOU CAN'T CHANGE. You can't help it that not every woman you meet doesn't find you attractive or of their 'type'. So common sense then tells you to NOT CARE. Just don't fret over it. Just like you don't fret over other things your god-given manpower can't change.
Now on to the things you CAN CHANGE to better attract women. This is where men use the LEAST common sense. This is where men act like morons and prefer to stick to their so called 'style' or way of thinking take it or leave it, love me for who I am approach. Question. Why do ALL hot women look hot? Because they appeal to our senses, mainly sight and smell. Is this by chance? Common sense says NO! That's right gentlemen, hot women do this ON PURPOSE. They do it to attract attention, other womens' and us mens'. Why? Use common sense. Why do you want to attract attention? If you can't answer that, then you DON'T