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The Silken Tent

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Essay title: The Silken Tent

The Silken Tent

By: Robert Frost

Robert Frosts sonnet “The Silken Tent” sets up an analogy between a girl and a silken tent. Before I start to analyze the poem, I will give a brief explanation of what a sonnet is. In the book Literature and It’s Writers it gives a great definition on page 750 it explains that a sonnet is short- generally fourteen lines long - and is written in a regular rhyme sequence, it is one of the richest and most durable forms of lyric poetry. The difference between a sonnet and other lyrics of poetry is the way the poet works with its theme.

The Silken Tent

She is as in a field a silken tent A

At midday when a sunny summer breeze B

Has dried the dew and all its ropes relent, A

So that in guys it gently sways at ease, B

5 And its supporting central cedar pole, C

That is its pinnacle to heavenward D

And signifies the sureness of the soul, C

Seems to owe naught to any single cord, D

But strictly held by none, is loosely bound E

10 By countless silken ties of love and thought F

To everything on earth the compass round, E

And only by one’s going slightly taut F

In the capriciousness of summer air G

Is of the slightest bondage made aware. G

Robert Frost is comparing a silken tent to a girl. He tries to show you that this girl is worry and care free in line 4 he says “ gently sways at ease” , line 7 “sureness of the soul” and in line 9 “strictly held by none, is loosely bound”. The central cedar pole represents the girl and the silken tent represents her dress which is made of a very rich, soft, smooth fabric- silk. The ropes function to attach the tent to the ground as a means of keeping it up. Metaphorically, the ropes of this girls life would

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