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The Soviet Union

By:   •  Essay  •  499 Words  •  November 21, 2009  •  1,180 Views

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Essay title: The Soviet Union

While in the Soviet Union for six months, I learned a lot aboout the lives of people living there. When (find word) the American democratic and the Soviet (find word) approach to government I found major differences in each system approach to personal freedoms of it's citizens, structure of government, and control over society.

There is a major difference in citicens personal freedoms. Here in America the government attempts to preserve individual freedoms and promote equality of opportunity. But over in the Soviet Union the government considers their goals because the state is more important than individual rights and liverties. Americans can say, write, or protest whenever they want, and they cannot be punished because of the freedom of speech, press, and assembly. Also the police need a written warrant

to search you or your home because citizens are protected by the 4th amendment. Citizens in russia may be punished by being sent to the (find word) in Syria, or taking their life if they publicly criticize it's leaders. The government does not allow people to establish newspapers that oppose it. Also the secret police don't need a reasonable cause to search your home or yourself. The citicens rights ain the Soviet Union are very different from Americans.

The structure of the government in Russia is very simple. The government, mostly Stalin, has the power. Absolute authority over the country is in the hands of one leader. There are no free elections, and the only way to remove a dictator is by force. Fear and threats are used to keep peace. Over here in America the power is in the hands of many elected officials. Government is limited by the consent of government. There are many political parties, and power in government changes through peaceful means. Government in America

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