The Strong Man
By: Jon • Study Guide • 374 Words • December 18, 2008 • 2,031 Views
Essay title: The Strong Man
The Strong Man
Study Guide Concepts of Science
2.1 Aristotle's Classification of Motion
Aristotle a Greek scientist classified motion as Natural and Unnatural Motion
Natural Motion –requires no force Unnatural Motion – requires force
Aristotle also said and believed that it was natural for heavy objects to fall faster than lighter ones
2.2 Galileo's Concept of Inertia
Galileo an Italian scientist discredited Aristotle idea that heavy objects fall faster than lighter ones and force is necessary to maintain motion
Galileo in disproving Aristotle also discovered the first idea of Inertia
Inertia – The property of things to remain at rest if at rest, and in motion if in motion
2.3 Galileo Formulated the Concepts of Speed and Velocity
Galileo was first to measure speed by considering distance covered over time
Speed – Speed = distance/time (d/t) speed is also an average
Velocity - Velocity = speed (distance/time) and direction
Vector Quantity-a quantity that specifies direction as well as magnitude (velocity is a vector quantity)
Constant Speed means steady speed Constant Velocity means constant speed and constant direction (straight line
2.4 Motion Relative
Galileo was the one that used experiments
We are both moving and at rest due to that we are relative to sun which we are moving