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The Way to Raise a Child in Today’s World, and Love Doing So Timing Is Everything

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Essay title: The Way to Raise a Child in Today’s World, and Love Doing So Timing Is Everything

Raising A Child Today 1

The Way to Raise a Child in today’s World, and Love doing so

Timing is everything

Nicole Moses

1. Email:

University of Phoenix College

Raising a child

No one ever said it was going to be easy, no one ever said that becoming a parent came with a detailed book of instructions. But one thing is for sure it is not easy at all. When I became a mother for the first time I remember looking at both my mother and my child and saying the words “That’s it?” to me I thought that the hardest part was over and that was the process of birth its self. To me that was the most traumatic part of becoming a parent. But my mother quickly reminded me that the “Hard” part was just beginning. So here I was taking my newborn baby home for the first time and I remember that the car seat was not in correctly, but back then it was what I thought looked right. My mother had went to a second hand store and bought the car seat instead of buying a brand new one. I can’t complain though it was the thought that counted. That night at my parent’s house I remember vividly how when my child was crying I didn’t even hear her. Was that because her cries were very faint? Was it because I was just extremely exhausted? Or was it because I was not used to having a baby

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