Tony Hawk’s American Wasreland Storyline
By: Anna • Essay • 478 Words • December 13, 2009 • 1,064 Views
Essay title: Tony Hawk’s American Wasreland Storyline
Warnong!!!!! do not read this paper if you have not already beaten the game or do not care. MAJOR SPOILERS AHEAD. for those who want to know what the game's all about, but arent gonna buy it, stick it here. ENJOY!
This paper basically explains what happens when you play story mode in THAW.
First, you get off of the bus you were taking into Hollywood and some dudes steal your stuff. You meet Mindy and she lets you visit the shops to change your look. You then learn some beasic tricks and get some respect.
Mindy shows you ashortcut to Beverly Hills through the mall and once there you have to impress Boone, Murphy, and Useless Dave to get into the Skate Ranch.
Once in the ranch you meet Iggy whi teaches you a new trick and then take Sanchez (dog) to chop some wood. After that a buch of new challenges appear that let you get more things to skate on for the ranch.
You get into Downtown by helping this guy with a bazooka and in Downtown you meet master zen who teaches you about focus mode and special. After that you get into the Vans park and win the Tony Hawk AMJAM.
Iggy gets arrested and you get dissed by a little girl. Into Santa Monica you go after you impress the skateclub and learn the art of flatland. In SM you impress a buch of guys so they will let you see TOny Alva. Lots of ranch pieces here. Alva get you a boatride and you head over to the oil rig to meet mega. More ranch pieces here.
Mega gets a crane