Toyota Marketing Plan
By: Bred • Business Plan • 2,294 Words • December 15, 2009 • 1,470 Views
Essay title: Toyota Marketing Plan
Market Share……………………………………………4
Exposure to children……………………………………5
Television viewing & obesity…………………………..6
Consequences………………………………………… 7
Effect of media on children……………………………..8
UK Scenario…………………………………………….11
Indian Scenario………………………………………….12
Appendix 1………………………………………………15
Junk Food: The issues surrounding food advertising to children
Advertising is a paid form of communication through a non-personal medium in which the sponsor is identified and the message is controlled. Advertising is a tool of marketing. The common methods of advertising are television commercial campaigns, print campaigns, billboard campaigns, radio campaigns. The most common medium of advertising is through television. Certain products use a specific form of advertising known as �Custom Publishing’. This form of advertising is usually targeted at a specific segment of the society. However, it draws the attention of the others too. Custom publishing is done for products like alcohol, fast food, cosmetics, mobile phone content, tobacco etc.
Today, the world is moving too fast and consumers do not have enough time to watch television. They usually face a �clutter’ of advertisements from which they are able to recall only those that leave an impact on them. Thus, advertisers have shifted their prime focus to target the children through their advertisements, especially for products of their interest like junk food, mobile phones, computers, games etc. Through television, advertisers can reach a whole spectrum of consumers. Children are exposed to an overwhelming amount of advertising as there is little regulation controlling the programme to advertisement ratio. A majority of children believe television advertisements to be informative and most children respond to them favourably. Advertising to children is sensitive and emotionally charged issue because children are easily influenced and like to experiment with new things. Advertising to children is under attack because it is perceived as “making kids want what they don’t need” and thus pressurizing the parents to respond to those needs. It is now observed that advertising is being accused of being a factor in causing obesity in children.
Robert E Hite and Randy Eck have stated that “Advertising directed towards children creates materialism, stifles creativity, creates conflicts between parent and child and hinders development of moral and ethical values. Proponents of advertising to children have attempted to counter the arguments of concerned parents and public interest groups. Advertising, thus contends, serves as an information sources and teaches children the consumption skills necessary to function in the market place.
(Robert E Hite & Randy Eck’s “Advertising to Children: Attitudes of Business versus Consumers.”
Ways of Advertising Junk Food
They are interested in this segment because the youth of today are the consumers of tomorrow. Various techniques and channels are being employed to reach this segment, beginning with toddlers, to build brands and influence the purchase of foods. Due to the increasing problems many activists groups in the United Kingdom, United States of America, Australia, Brazil and Thailand are calling for a ban on the fast food advertising.