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Turtles Hatching

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Essay title: Turtles Hatching

Turtles Hatching

The poem Mark O’Connor wrote “Turtles Hatching” at a time in his life when was closely studying nature.

In this poem Mark O’Connor closely observes turtles hatching and contemplates the ritual that turtles share with the beach. This poem also has close connotations to life cycle and family.

Mark O’Connor begins the poem with one single line which emphasis the information that he is giving the reader. The continuation of this line from the rest of the poem to the next without a pause creates an urgency, which is used to emphasis the situation.

In the second stanza Mark O’Connor sets the scene as the turtles, “break through to twilight.”

The poet uses imperatives and personification of the elements in the line, “Downhill, fast; when you hit water, swim.” This technique is used to let the reader into the turtle’s head so they can feel the instinct that is overcoming them.

The poet uses lining in this poem to create stresses on words at the beginning of lines such as, ‘last, will be picked’. Creating a new line between last and will creates a tone of finality, which is associated with last.

In the second stanza Mark O’Connor sums up the odds for the turtles notifying the reader of the terrible fact that only one in a hundred will survive. This is used as a shock treatment towards the reader, which makes this figure stand out even more.

Mark O’Connor uses an extended metaphor that begins in the second stanza and returns again in the fourth. This technique is used to create a special prominence on the line “high-revving toys”.

In the forth stanza the poet uses hyperboles like “castles and every hole an abyss,” to create vivid visual imagery emphasising the peril of the turtles situation.

“Scrambling, sand, scrabbling, slime, sculling and sand pools” are examples of alliteration, which slows down the line when spoken.

In this poem there are military contexts like “death lane” which portray through visual imagery images such as trench fighting.

In the sixth stanza Mark O’Connor creates contrast between reality and the minds of the turtles, the line, “Caught in cracks” shows how they think they’re safe when really they’re not.

Throughout this poem Mark O’Connor reinforces a biological imperative, which is shown through words such as, oceans, limbs and nature. This is used to create a friendly and informative tone.

The seventh stanza is suddenly written as though a human voice has suddenly taken over and began reading the poem. The simile “as a dry handshake” is used in this stanza, to help create a vivid literal description of a turtle. The feeling portrayed is one that is not pleasurable but not disgusting either, this gives the impression of a childish innocent pleasure. The simile “as determined as cats” creates a weird image as cats would usually be chasing the cats.

The next stanza changes tone and Mark O’Connor writes as if taking the reader on a tour guide. “That will reach, tourist,” creates this feeling perhaps making the reader feel as if they’re only watching the turtles.

The first word of the ninth stanza, “tweaks” is colloquial language, which is more personal and reveals an emotional commitment made between the poet and the turtles. Mark O’Connor also includes himself in this stanza by using I.

The second half of this poem gives the impression that the poet is frustrated that he cannot help the turtles. He cannot help because he realises that just because he might help the turtle to the ocean doesn’t mean it will be strong enough to survive in the open sea. The connotation of the life cycle appears here as you realise the importance of the turtles journey down the beach.

The next stanza gives a very descriptive image of the violence of nature by using terms such as, crushed and sheared, these images are used to express to the reader the peril of the turtles danger. The “armoured tarantula legs” of the crab give a threatening image, which is again used to emphasise danger.

The extended metaphor returns again in the eleventh stanza, “fighting on in my hand” this repetition is used to enforce

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