Underage Drinking Costs High
By: Steve • Essay • 302 Words • November 21, 2009 • 1,102 Views
Essay title: Underage Drinking Costs High
The cost of underage drinking for each youth convicted is $1,699. In 2001, there were so many it added up to 2 billion in the U.S. Is drinking really worth that much? Wouldn’t you rather put that money into a new car or something rather than alcohol? Underage drinkers have to realize they have their whole lives to drink; they don’t have to start young.
When kids drink they don’t think about dying in a car crash later that night, getting into a fight, or having unprotected sex. They think about the cost of a keg versus a few cases. They think it is cool and popular to have possession of alcohol on them.
Adults are guilty of this however it’s more dangerous in a young person’s hands because they are inexperienced drivers and not as responsible. However, adults are guilty if they give alcohol to minors. Anymore if you are under-aged and near alcohol, you can be arrested for that.
Traffic crashes that involve underage drinking are the most visible. The costs in 2001, just in Pennsylvania alone,