Various English Freewrites
By: Jack • Essay • 770 Words • November 11, 2009 • 877 Views
Essay title: Various English Freewrites
Free Writing Desires
Desires... those would be the things that drive us. For example right now I desire junk food and ciggs, and that's what I have. Desires can be used for the better or worse. sometimes the desire is so strong that one will do anything to fulfill it. This is not good. Desires can also be used to manipulate people. Not the most honerable hobby, but it's fun none the less. Nothing else to say about desires. Didn't have much to begin with.
Ah yes. Celebrities. People who get paid
to stand by some product and smile. Granted, some of these people have earned their positions. But others just get to stand in the lime light for no good reason. The best celebrities are the ones that don't act like celebrities. They just act like people. But there are so few out there these days that I prefer to not go any further into this subject.
Nature? What's that? I can totally see some kid saying that 100 years from now. Nature is what we are all part of. It is also what we do our best to separate ourselves from. We sit in our houses sheilded from the elements, creatures, etc. Hell, at this rate as soon as we find an affordable way to convert carbon dioxide to oxygen, all the forests will be plowed down and made ready for human inhabitants. Hopefully that wont happen while I'm still around.
Honesty is almost non exhistant in schools these days... or elsewhere for that matter. It's really quite sad. Eh, not really much to say on this subject. In all honesty, I'm REALLY tired. Me want nap.
I'm chalk full of laziness. But that's ok because laziness and greed are the two main things that drive people to do what they do. The wheel for example, most likely came from someone not feeling like carrying something or dragging it or whatever the case may have been. Anyhow, so yeah, laziness is the shits. Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! I'm out of things to say on this...
I could swear that we just wrote on this recently, ah well. Money is good. Sort of... it lets you get all the shit you want, but at the same time is kind of bad. Money for the most part is the source of greed. People want to be wealthier all the time, and will do almost anything to get rich. Which is what laws are for. Unfortunately some laws are pure shit but ah well, I'm done talking about money and that's what this one is about.