Vocabulary Huck Finn
By: Artur • Essay • 441 Words • November 17, 2009 • 1,227 Views
Essay title: Vocabulary Huck Finn
Affix: to fasten, join, or attach
Bashful: uncomfortably diffident and easily embarrassed; shy; timid.
Bewitch: to affect by witchcraft or magic; cast a spell over.
Blubber: excess body fat.
Bowie: American-born Mexican colonist who joined the Texan forces during the struggle for independence from Mexico. He died during the defense of the Alamo.
Budge: to move slightly; begin to move
Chaw: A chew, especially of tobacco.
Clatter: to make a loud, rattling sound, as that produced by hard objects striking rapidly one against the other
Evasion: an act or instance of escaping, avoiding, or shirking something
Frock: a gown or dress worn by a girl or woman.
Galluses: a pair of suspenders for trousers.
Gaudy: brilliantly or excessively showy
Fidgety: restless; impatient; uneasy.
Frivolous: characterized by lack of seriousness or sense
Gnaw: to bite or chew on, esp. persistently.
hack: to cut, notch, slice, chop, or sever (something) with or as with heavy, irregular blows
Ingot: a mass of metal cast in a convenient form for shaping, remelting, or refining.
Jest: a joke or witty remark; witticism.
Lynch: to put to death, esp. by hanging, by mob action and without legal authority.
Meddle: to involve oneself in a matter without right or invitation; interfere officiously and unwantedly
Orgy: wild, drunken or licentious festivity or revelry.
Ornery: ugly and unpleasant in disposition or temper
Pious: having or showing a dutiful spirit of reverence for God or an earnest wish to fulfill religious obligations.
Rapscallion: a rascal; rogue; scamp.
Raspy: harsh; grating; rasping.
Skiff: any of various types of boats small enough for sailing or rowing by one person.
Stanchion: an upright bar, beam, post, or support, as in a