War for Independence - Mexico
By: Anna • Essay • 1,295 Words • March 17, 2009 • 1,702 Views
Essay title: War for Independence - Mexico
War for Independence
The war of independence is thought to have been a war of revolution. It is not, it is the breaking of colonial rule. It was based on politics and a separation of powers. In my paper I will go from the start of a rising discontent
amongst the indigenous population and how those above them exploit the failures for their own gain in a system where they have always been favored more over.
Once New Spain settled in its new territory, their system began to create its inner cores. New Spain from now on would be under direction of the mother country Spain. Its colonial system would be entrenched in the new colony and therefore, its economy would strive to gain profit to make Spain richer and stronger. Their economy was based on agriculture, ranching, mining, industry, and commerce. For the most labor that would go into doing these jobs would be the indigenous peoples, or "Indians". While in some cases many were paid decent wages, most were treated unfairly or poorly and would be worked for many long hard hours. In mines, the "Indians" would suffer greatly dust and fumes inhaled in the damp, dark shafts of the mines. Countless died from having worked there. The ranching industry in the north would gain most of its production of cultivation to large amounts of livestock through labor from the "Indians". Haciendas , with again the labor of "Indians", would provide throughout New Spain agricultural needs such as, fruits, vegetables, and grains introduced by the Spaniards. "Without slaves and forced labor, who was to carry out the necessary takes of labor?" The answer would be the "Indians" who would go on to build New Spain's lower aspect of the economy. Soon enough it wasn't long for many other resisting "Indians" to give in to their new occupant's demands for labor and start to work for them. It wasn't long till some "Indians" found refuge.
In earlier years of conquest the colonial church was still intact by the time the country was now New Spain. The church organization had by then created two distinct branches- secular and regular clergy. This would then spread around the word of Christianity to save souls. By assimilating this spread to the population of "Indians" they would then get acculturated into thinking their way of living was evil and to abandon their beliefs and to always "praise the lord". Through this many "Indians" would find shelter in the hands of their newfound religion and the guidance of their priests. Quite frequently there would be disputes of friars and priests arguing in favor of the "Indians" to the Spaniards of poor treatment to the "Indians". At times disputes would end in violence that would increase immensely throughout areas in Mexico. Although there were restrictions in the organization of the church that made sure to keep "Indians" from not converting and the main one was the Inquisition . Under rule of Spain churches were to investigate culprits who didn't follow church rule were given a hefty punishment. This would keep many on their toes. Many "Indians" were still secure in their new religion but found it hard to deal
"Indians" were always to remain at the bottom of the social status. Actually, Indian women and children were to be the last ones to be recognized, or weren't at all. Mestizos, those of "Indian" and another blood, were the next level up. Those born in Mexico but of full-blooded Spanish blood were called Criollos. The highest of all would be the Spaniards. In this structure of power and rank the only best way for one to rise to the top would be through the military. Otherwise if you were born an "Indian" you were destined to be a laborer. Although if lucky enough to become a priest or part of the church getting educated would be of better climbing into politics and knowledge.
With the economy in the mother country in shambles due to their wars, they would decide to look towards their colonies in search of financial benefit. "В…The Spanish would borrow heavily from individuals and institutions in the colony to pay for its involvement in European conflicts." This made many upset but it wouldn't trigger off many "Indians" until the reform of the church came around. Spain ordered the expulsion of the Jesuits , who had helped in educating and missionizing many "Indians" and it created anger in Criollos, who were educated by them, and "Indians". It was truth that "dependency of the colonists to the mother country remained a fundamental tenet of the imperial system."