What Is Your Experience with Decision Making Models?
By: Victor • Research Paper • 995 Words • November 22, 2009 • 1,294 Views
Essay title: What Is Your Experience with Decision Making Models?
Being a Leader
Research Paper
Aja Smith
Class BUS 463A
California Baptist University
Dr. Deena Chapman, Professor
17 August 2004
The word leadership was defined within itself. The suffix ship holds the meanings (according to Webster) of state, condition, quality, dignity, art, and skill. Therefore leadership was the sum of all these factors that described the leader’s personality in total. In a simpler context, it was the measure of a leader’s ability to execute difficult tasks under adverse conditions. The quality of leadership at all levels makes an enormous difference in the eventual outcome of any undertaking. Leadership can be a key issue in the development of groups, organizations and nations. There were studies which focused on leadership theories whereas others cover rather practical aspects. Theoretical work on leadership was developed throughout the century, starting with 'trait theory' through to theories which focused on the way leaders use and exploit power, theories which explore behavioral approaches others which look at contingencies, and finally those which consider situational aspects. These theories were explored and consequently numerous empirical studies were published, many of which are of importance to practitioners too. The examination of leadership characterizes various kinds of studies, and it was the focus of many papers in the academic and professional journals. There are studies which focus on leadership theories whereas others cover rather practical aspects. Theoretical work on leadership was developed throughout the century, starting with 'trait theory' through to theories which focused on the way leaders use and exploit power, theories which explore behavioral approaches others which look at contingencies, and finally those which consider situational aspects. These theories were explored and consequently numerous empirical studies were published, many of which are of importance to practitioners too.
Being a Leader
Considering the concept of leadership, the first thing to ask was whether they know what they are talking about. To some degree, that depended on circumstances. Leadership can be the process of persuasion and the example by which an individual (or leadership team) induces a group to take action that was in accord with the leader's purpose, or the shared purposes of all. “Leadership is mostly in the eye of the beholder. Subordinates almost always know a good leader when they see one” (Col Allan W. Howey). Leadership was an immature science and the body of knowledge in the field has developed through a series of starts. “Leadership was a soft science, just as anthropology, sociology and psychology. It cannot be proven exactly what it was” (Pondy). Leadership can-be both rational and emotional, involve both sides of human experience. Including action and influenced based on reason and logic as well those based on inspiration and passion. Leadership can be a social process shared among all members of a group. Leadership development comes through experience. “Leadership is the art of influencing others to their maximum performance to accomplish any task, objective, or project” (Cohen).
In research, leadership was an on going process of getting to know oneself. Having a vision that was well communicated and building trust among colleagues, and taking effective actions to realize ones own potential was key to accomplishing and further progress. Some people become leaders because in society they obtain or develop certain talents and dispositions. “Others can become leaders due to their wealth, military might, or position in society” (Rost). Most can