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When the Wind Blows

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Essay title: When the Wind Blows

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{*generator Msftedit;}viewkind4uc1pardbf0fs22 host:b0 hey everyone i am mitch burkie O donald , and wellcome back the the praogram .That was the killers with there track "sombody told me"par

where going to kick off an new segment today that hopfully will come in handy , it is aimed at HSC students to help them through there studies.par

and explain certain aspects of the sylibuss that might be a little tricky to grasp. par

so without any further or due , we are joined by Jake Ellul from the board or studys and teachs at st madeupschoolpar

glad to have you on the show jake, so did i hit the nail on the head?par

b JE:b0 glad to be here burkie,yes you did hit that nail , basically

each week we will takle a sellected part of the HSC syibuss in a slected subject to try and par

give some kids out there the edge they need to get the marks par

b Host:b0 ok sounds great, i wish i had this when i was studying , so where are we starting offpar

b JE: b0 this afternoon i have selected to do a part on image and the ways in which images shape meaning and how aspects of the world are represented through images.par

all this information

have been acumulated according to madule A "expeirence through language $ elective 3 images". in this this part of the sylibuss students are given a text, entitled "when the wind blows-written RAYMOND BRIGGS" students are asked to look for a deeper meaning in the illistrations that RAYMOND BRIGGS has incorperated in his graphic novel , and descover how certain

elements of design and languge can successfully

convey meaning in a metophoric sense par

b Host:b0 so sort of the pictures say a thousand words therioe par

b JE:b0 exactly, you will be surprised how easly you can dirive meaning from and image , look at the front cover of "when the wind blows" your brain instantly asumes that the two elderly characters(james,ducky) pictured in the center of the front cover , are a couple because of there body language . the arm around the shoulder, there toes are postioned towards each other, the female character(ducky) is holding a tea pot with two cups cattering for both of them . and we also assume that there going to be the main characters of the text because there are made the focal point of the illistration because they are in colour with a halo of light around there head .looking to the left and right of these characters we see two rows of soldiers

. on the left side the soldiers

are baring and US flag , and on the right the soldiers

are bearing and soviet union falg sujesting that this text is about war and the conflict of war . so without turning a page . we have assumed that the text would be about an ealderly couple in war time .knowing the story is about the cold war and the par

use of nelcear weponds we can make instant contections with every graphic element on the page, the barron land that the couple are standing on with the dead tree ,the halo around there heads represents the explosion .the corsion of the lettering displaying the war time and the devestation after a bomb par

b Host: b0 so the story is given away with out you even opening to book, it is strange that this writer has used a comic book to tell the story of a nuclear bomb par

b JE:b0 i suppose it creates a sense of irony in a way , that somthing so inocent as a comic book can can be about devestation .which is relative to james and ducky and thepar

neclear bomb , that these two inocent eardly people can be affected by war.par

b Host: b0

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