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Which Do You Believe?

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Essay title: Which Do You Believe?

Essay "Which do you believe ?"

In the begging god created the heavens and the earth in which mankind

evolved . But the question for many is that is this true .Does god really

exists , well my believe has been and it would not change god is our


There are many facts about this believe one really importand is

the "Bible" . The bible states that god is our creater and that mankind

was not an evolution from the ape .Many also thing that all existis came

from one single cell in which many different creatures from , evolved

my believe is that god created mankind . It took him 6 days to

created earth in which we live on . There are many evidences to believe

that god was our creater.

Well as we go on Mrs . Villareal says , " Is there and after live?"

One of my believes is that we have a place on heavens because in

San Mateo it said , "Bienaventurados los que siegen a dios pues de ellos

sera el reino de los cielos os vendre con angeles a mi alrededor'.

That is more than enough evidences from me to believe ,

that there is an after life in which we all will go .Scientists cannot

change my answer because the Bible has all the facts we humans

need to believe in other to accept god as our creater .

Jesus as they say was the son as god in which came to

earth to save human race from being destroyed .Scientist can

not put Jesus scarification aside as they know that there is evidences

as which it happens and that why time has been put as B.C. To A.C.

Jesus was a desender from god he made many miracles in

,which they included the "Dos ciegos reciben la vista" and many other

,ones in which it included fade.Well fade is why I believe in god

as the mankind creater miracles do happen . In life you either are

one who who believes in the ape theory or you believe in god.

Adam and Eve are our parents in which mankind came from

yes they made sin of disobeying god..Then the earth was destroyed

and Noahs ark cames in which he reproduced mankind . My though

are that mankind reproduced and that we are desendence from

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