Who's to Blame
By: Victor • Essay • 858 Words • December 15, 2009 • 802 Views
Essay title: Who's to Blame
Who’s To Blame
Why is America the most overweight country in the world? Some might say because we have some of the best cuisine from all over the world, others argue that it is that we are just simply lazy, but the biggest excuse of them all is fast food did this to us. I think not we have no one to blame but ourselves for becoming overweight; blaming fast food is the easiest cop out there is. Did the good people from the Ronald McDonald Corporation but a gun to your head and say eat this “double quarter pounder?” Reports have shown that approximately 300,000 people die a year due to obesity issues.( ) We as Americans need to put our foot down and realize the issues that really cause obesity, such as being oblivious to all disease susceptible to obesity, living a sedentary lifestyle, and also not making the correct decision on the go.
We need to stop the blame and the non logical idea that it is fast food’s fault for our obesity issues, and turn our heads to look at the real issues that obesity causes. I believe that if everyone understood that these 300,000 deaths come from diseases and or health problems such as heart failure, heart attacks, coronary heart disease, strokes, Cancer, Gallstones or gallbladder disease, Osteoarthritis, Gout , Breathing problems, High blood cholesterol, High blood pressure, Complications of pregnancy, Irregular menstrual cycles and infertility, Psychological and social effects, Uric acid nephrolithiasis, also overweight or obese people have twice the chance of developing type 2 diabetes.(weightawareness.com) To really understand the issues that obesity causes we need to look into all these health issues and get an understanding of what we have become as a nation. There are many people who have been diagnosed with health issues that cause obesity and then there are the oblivious other group of us Americans that want to blame the fast food industry for making us big. For all the blamers, open up your eyes the information is all around us read into it.
Issues above show how susceptible we are to disease. What is stopping us from changing that? Our own actions when u think overweight the next word that comes to your mind is lazy, the two go hand in hand. We live very sedentary lifestyles, just a fancy term for sitting on our butts. Some live very fast paced lives always on the fly seemingly impossible to get to the gym or exercise. But truth is admittedly or not everyone has 30 minutes of free time to exercise daily. Studies show that not only is exercise good for your physical physique but also can help in your sex life, help form better sleeping patterns, and give you a little brain boost. So not only is exercising beneficial toward working to a healthier lifestyle but also proven that people who exercise are more efficient at the end of the day. These are all good