Who I Am
By: Anna • Essay • 1,363 Words • November 8, 2009 • 955 Views
Essay title: Who I Am
The hardships of women are greater than men and men should do more to help them with everything. I highly believe that guys should help out the opposite sex more than they do because even in the Bible women are seen as housewives instead of workers. To me, that is very wrong because women should be allowed to make their own decisions in life. Also I have surveyed several women about their problems and found out that most of them have the same problems with our society’s male dominance. However, also that has time progresses; it seems their problems are getting less severe.
I believe that guys should help women out more than they do because they go through so much more than men. For instance , child labor and so on. What I have learned is that during child labor women go through what some call the pain of being ripped apart. To me, this could already tell me that guys have it so much easier than women. Also I believe that women have some of the most challenging experiences ever in that getting the jobs they want. For instance, I used to have a job doing welding, and it was mainly male dominant the only woman there was criticized for having that job instead of a desk job or a nursing position. That made me very angry to hear them say that since our country promises freedom and equality. Also, I have seen over the years that women can have very little emotional tolerance. When my friend found out that her boyfriend of 4 years kissed another girl that tore her completely up. She ended up crying on my shoulder almost everyday for a little over 6 months. Ever since that day, she has been having a lot of trouble trusting guys as much. Most guys would have been over that in a few days and probably would have been dating someone else by now. Personally I could not do that when my girl of 5 years left me because I wanted to serve my country; it almost killed me until I got to basic. I got emotional support from my drill sergeants and ministers. I do not hold a grudge about it either. Most guys will not take this seriously, but it takes a lot to raise a child all day, keep the house clean, and cook.
What I believe is that men should help out women more in their problems in life. For instance if a guy sees a women crying he should not only ask why but also try and help her. I would probably invite her to come and sit down and talk about what happened and how I could help her with her problem. I believe talking about the problem helps you get over it faster and take a lot of pressure off your chest. Also most guys have more emotional control so guys should share some of their pain and help them but not take the full load, just share it. Most guys take life for granted in so many ways. For instance many guys believe that women are show things. They always want women to be slim and perfect. I believe that all god’s creatures are beautiful and if women want to be slim and perfect they can but only because they want to be. Guys should be more supportive in women wanting to compete with them in the work place. For instance, if a woman wants a welding job they should have the right to do so no matter and get no criticism about it. Also women should be allowed to run in higher office positions. For instance, if a woman wants to be president we should allow but also have a male president as like a dual president, but they have the same powers and use each others knowledge to help the greater society.
Based on my surveys what I have come up with is this: women have more workplace problems than men in the amount there are getting paid and what they can do. Women get paid less then most men because they get stuck with jobs men do not want. For instance in my previous profession before the military, I was a welder and I got paid $4.75 more then a woman working in the same area, because I was a barge repair and hung on the harness and repaired the sides of coal barges. Women at the job were not allowed to work that position because they called it too dangerous for women. I highly believe that is the stupidest thing ever. If women can go through basic combat training and do the same things as their fellow soldiers they should be allowed to do any work they want too. Also, it is becoming a lot harder for women