Why Abortion Should Be Legalized
By: Jessica • Essay • 846 Words • December 19, 2009 • 6,446 Views
Essay title: Why Abortion Should Be Legalized
The issue of abortion causes debates about human interactions where factors of ethics, emotions and law come together. There are many reasons why a woman would decide to have abortions. Whatever the reasons a woman decides to have an abortion, it seems only justified that she should be able to make decisions in regards to her life and body. The decisions that she makes will be beneficial to both the woman and the fetus because it will prevent many problems from occurring in the future. If a woman who is in pregnancy were to have an unwanted baby, she may neglect or even abuse the child causing the child to go into foster care or the government social service system. Also I believe that the outlawing of abortion violates the separation of church and state. The choice to have an abortion or not, should be left up to the woman bearing the child instead of the government. Bringing an unwanted child into the world is not helpful to the parents, government, and especially unfair to the unwanted child, because if the parents cannot take care of the child, eventually, the government will be responsible for the child.
The main argument of pro-life supporters, individuals who are opposed to abortion at all stages, is that the fetus in a woman’s womb is a “human being”, deserving the same rights as any other person. The notion or the idea that there is a human being from the time of conception is wrong. When the sperm and the ovum unite, a single cell is created. To claim that this one cell is and should be treated as a human being is being irresponsible in the ongoing debate of abortion. While one could say who are we to claim that this one cell is not human, one could also argue how one would be able to label a single cell a human being.
Also another reason is that a woman could be too young or she might feel that she does not want to take on the responsibility of looking after a child as it grows up and goes through all his or her problems. If she were still at school it would ruin her chance of a good education and possibly her future. Those who decide on having an abortion should not be condemned by their peers and society as murderers. Those women should be able to exercise their right to do what is their right to their own bodies.
Another example is that every day in the U.S. between three and five children are murdered by a parent or caretaker. Not only would the absence of abortions have horrible effects on the unwanted children, but our society as a whole. Child abuse increases the odds of future criminality by about 40%. One third of teen mothers never finish high school and nearly 80% end up on welfare. These unwanted children would add a great amount of crime to our communities and cost us as