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Writing Is Hard

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Essay title: Writing Is Hard

For me, writing is frustrating. Many times I have trouble writing about anything.

The main reason why I have so much trouble when writing, is because I don't concentrate

on my work enough. Even when I try my hardest to concentrate, my mind seems to

wonder around to a different direction towards another thought. After that, I forget all

about my work and just think about various things such as people, places, and different

times I've had in the past. For example, even while I'm writing this small paragraph, my

mind keeps on slipping into other thoughts. I dont know if this happens to lots of people,

but this is one problem that I have trouble the most in. Maybe this is why I'm a slow

writer and don't like to write.


When I write, I'm usually in my house sitting right where my computer is. One

thing about me is that I hate writing anything with a pen and a paper. Most of the time

when writing an essay, report, or anything else, I type it on my computer. I can probably

type 50 times faster than writing by hand. I guess it's just something that I'm better at. I

can type about 80-85 words per minute. If that isn't fast, then I dont know what is. When

writing, I can write when it's quiet, loud, during the day, during the night, and during

whatever atmosphere I'm in. Even if the whole house is quiet, I usually listen to music

while typing an essay. However, the best time and the best atmosphere for me to write

anything would be during late at night when everything seems pretty quiet around me.

Another important thing to me when writing, is that I can not have any distractions near

me or around me. Even the internet on my computer has to be disabled or else I would be

tempted to surf online.


Writing is like expressing my feelings onto paper. I can write songs, poems,

quotes, stories, letters, and just almost anything that you could think of. You can learn a

great deal about a person by the way they write or just by the way they express certain

words on paper. Writing can also be a part of your life. While reading one's paper, you

can find out about their culture, beliefs, education, and much more. Not only that, but you

can also tell what that person has been going through in their life. It is like having your

own history book except that the book is about you, and not on America or some other



I write whatever I feel most comfortable with and also wherever my imagination

can take me. Most of the time, I write short stories that have or had something to do with

my own life. Either that, or I'll most likely write about some topic that I have good

enough information on. When I am writing about things that had happened in my life, I

could drift away to that certain time and recall all the little details and events that took

place. When I write, I also tend to exaggerate quite a bit not because I want to make it a

fiction, but because I tend to mix up my stories with some imaginations of mine. Last

time I wrote about a past event, I wrote on what I did on my graduation night.

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